2009年2月14日 星期六

hands-on, landing gear

Still wearing his business suit, he got down on his hands and knees on the warm blacktop to examine the undercarriage of one of the trucks, shocking his American hosts, who didn’t expect a corporate V.I.P. to be so hands-on.

hands-on (INVOLVED) Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
Someone with a hands-on way of doing things becomes closely involved in managing and organizing things and in making decisions:
She's very much a hands-on manager.
hands-on (PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE) Show phonetics
adjective [before noun]
Someone who has hands-on experience of something has done or used it rather than just read or learned about it:
Many employers consider hands-on experience to be as useful as academic qualifications.


Involving active participation; applied, as opposed to theoretical: “We're involved in hands-on operations, pulling levers, pushing buttons” (Arthur R. Taylor).

landing gear noun [U] (UK ALSO undercarriage)
the set of wheels and other parts which support a plane when it is on the ground and make it possible to take off and land
