2009年2月25日 星期三

feature (ARTICLE), cultivate

Europe to Get $15 Billion In China Trade
A Chinese delegation left for Europe to buy billions of dollars of machinery, automobiles and food products, as Beijing seeks to cultivate goodwill and fend off protectionism.

verb [T]
1 to prepare land and grow crops on it, or to grow a particular crop:
Most of the land there is too poor to cultivate.
The villagers cultivate mostly maize and beans.

2 to try to develop and improve something:
She has cultivated an image as a tough negotiator.

3 If you cultivate a relationship, you make a special effort to establish and develop it, because you think it might be useful to you:
The new Prime Minister is cultivating relationships with old Eastern Bloc countries.

Most of the island isn't cultivable (= can't be cultivated) - the soil is too rocky and dry.

describes land which is cultivated:
cultivated fields/soil/land

noun [U]

feature (ARTICLE) Show phonetics
noun [C]
a special article in a newspaper or magazine, or a part of a television or radio broadcast, that deals with a particular subject:
a double-page feature on global warming
