2009年2月8日 星期日

rotary, locality, accessories, vestibule,

Congress Is Divided Over Competing Stimulus Bills
The House version of the stimulus bill emphasizes helping states and localities avoid wide-scale cuts, while the Senate plan focuses more on tax cuts.

國際扶輪Rotary International)是由遍及世界的(在超過200多個國家和地區中有32,000多個)扶輪社(服務組織)組成的國際組織。扶輪社的成員被稱為扶輪社友(英文Rotarians)。該社團組織的宗旨是將那些企業與職業領袖人物們組織起來,提供人道主義服務、鼓勵在各種職業中提高職業道德,並在全世界建立善意與和平。國際扶輪社有一個期刊:The Rotarian。社友們每週聚會一次,或是早餐、或是午餐或是晚餐時間。聚餐時間既是社交活動又是一起討論服務目標的機會。通常都要邀請各種來賓做關於各種課題的演講。
他們最富盛名的座右銘便是“服務至上”英文 "Service above Self"。另一個座右銘則是“服務最佳者,獲利最豐”[1] "They profit most who serve best"國際扶輪社立法議政會於2004年通過關於去除第二座右銘及口號中性別限定詞語的決議。( Arthur Sheldon, who gave the banquet address at the first annual convention, ended his speech with the phrase, 'he profits most who serves best,' the entire audience burst into roars of approval, and soon thereafter the phrase was voted the official slogan of the Rotary Club)

Rotary International, organization of business and professional people, founded (1905) by Paul Percy Harris, a Chicago lawyer. Beginning with one club in Chicago, it spread to other cities, and in 1910 the National Association of Rotary Clubs was formed. After other branches were established in many countries throughout the world, the name was changed (1922) to Rotary International. Each club contains no more than one representative of each business or profession in its locality. The name was derived from the original custom of meeting in rotation at the members' places of business. The organization promotes friendly cooperation and high standards of service among business people, supports charities and welfare activities, and encourages international friendship; it also oversees a scholarship program for international study. Its membership (1.2 million) is spread among more than 161 countries; its headquarters are in Evanston, Ill. Its official publication is the Rotarian.
It is still seen as a standard for ethics in business management[3]:
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build good will and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

  • In 2008, which Taiwanese companies have the wherewithal to weather a global financial meltdown and precarious market conditions? The island’s benchmark...

    That’s not all bad. One consequence is that Asian governments have plenty of scope for boosting domestic demand and thus spurring economic recovery. China, in particular, has the wherewithal to make good on its promises of massive economic stimulus.

    Dan Neil, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for The Los Angeles Times, led a lawsuit with other Tribune employees against Mr. Zell and Tribune this fall. The suit contended “through both the structure of his takeover and his subsequent conduct, Zell and his accessories have diminished the value of the employee-owned company to benefit himself and his fellow board members.”

    "... reweighed alternatives, real life intruded one morning when I discovered that someone had broken into our house and stolen the family's winter coats from the vestibule. The Boston winter ended that day. ..."


    ━━ n. 玄関(ホール), 控えの間; (客車の)連廊, デッキ; 【解】(耳・鼻などの)前庭.
     ━━ a. 玄関(ホール)の; 【解】(耳・鼻などの)前庭の.
     vestibule school (工場の新入)工員訓練所.
     vestibule train 〔米〕 連廊列車 ((客車の両端にデッキがある)).
     vestibule training 【労働】前段階訓練 ((実際の職務現場に設備や条件を模した訓練所で行われる)).

    accessory (CRIMINAL) 
    noun [C]
    someone who helps another person to commit a crime but does not take part in it:
    an accessory to murder


    ━━ a. 付属の; 補助の; 共[従]犯の.
    ━━ n. (普通pl.) 付属物, アクセサリー; 【法】共犯.
     ac・ces・so・rize ━━ vt. (付属品・アクセサリー)をつける.
     accessory after [before] the fact 事後[事前]共犯.
     accessory card 【コンピュータ】アクセサリカード ((システム拡張のために付加するカード状の回路基板)).
     accessory software 【コンピュータ】アクセサリソフト.


    ━━ n. (the ~) 必要な手段[金] ((to do)).
    The necessary means, especially financial means: didn't have the wherewithal to survive an economic downturn.

    noun [C]
    a particular area:
    In 19th-century Britain, industries became concentrated in particular localities.


 ━━ a. 回転する.
━━ n. 〔米〕 円形交差点 (〈英〉roundabout); 輪転機; ロータリーエンジン (rotary engine).
Rotary Club (the ~) ロータリークラブ ((社会奉仕目的の社交団体)).
rotary press 輪転機.
