2009年2月21日 星期六

quizzed by , weighty themes, lighter encounters

On each stop of her Asian tour, Mrs. Clinton is redefining the job of secretary of state, fusing the weighty themes of regional security and nuclear proliferation with lighter encounters in which Mrs. Clinton is quizzed about her musical tastes or asked what it was like to raise her daughter.


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quiz Show phonetics
noun [C] plural quizzes
1 a game or competition in which you answer questions:
a history/sport, etc. quiz
There are so many inane television quiz shows.
UK A lot of pubs have quiz nights once or twice a week.

2 MAINLY US a short informal test:
US There was a pop (= surprise) quiz in history at school today.

quiz Show phonetics
verb [T] -zz-
to ask someone questions about something:
She spent an hour being quizzed by journalists.
