2009年2月8日 星期日

exurb, in high reverse, broke (POOR), econometrics

In Florida, Despair and Foreclosures
In Lehigh Acres, Fla., one of countless sprawling exurbs that the housing boom drastically reshaped, the American dream is in high reverse.

Kath Kelly was broke. That was ok, as all her friends were, too. But she had an important event to budget for, just a year away. One drunken night, she made a rash decision: to live on just a pound a day for the next twelve months. This book tells her story.


━━ n. 計量経済学.

broke (POOR) adjective [after verb] INFORMAL
without money:
I can't afford to go on holiday this year - I'm (flat) broke.
INFORMAL Many small businesses went broke (= lost all their money) during the recession.

A region lying beyond the suburbs of a city, especially one inhabited principally by wealthy people.
exurban ex·ur'ban adj.
exurbanite ex·ur'ban·ite' n.

in reverse (order)
in the opposite order or way:
To stop the engine, you repeat the same procedures, but in reverse (order).
