在台灣賣座近台幣五億元的本土電影《海角七號》(Cape No.7)明天(廿日)將在英國首映。首映門票,已搶購一空。 《海角七號》導演魏德聖亦將親抵達倫敦,與影迷相會辦座談會。 繼倫敦首演後,《海角七號》還將於下周前往愛丁堡,在每年愛丁堡國際電影節主辦場地「電影之家」(FILMHOUSE)放映。 《海角七號》是應我駐英代表處和倫敦Riverside Studios藝文展演中心,於二月廿日到廿二日舉辦「二○○九年台灣電影節」之邀,前來英國。
片名可能亂翻譯: Wikipedia article "The Yearling (film)".
-2003派克移居纽约后,曾向人学习过舞蹈,但他在学习中脊背受了伤,这使得他在二次大战中不像其他一些演员那样要上前线打仗,他在纽约有了广阔选择的余地,他可以挑选制片商,但是他拒绝同他们签订长期合同,或不把自己捆死在一个制片商身上。在从1944年至1952年间苗,派克拍了不少早期影片,其中包括《一年级大学生》(The Yearling),《麦康伯桃色案》 (Macomber Affair)、《黄色的天空》(The Yellow Sky)和《十二点钟正》( Twelve O'Clock High")。他最后拍摄的两部电影是《老格林戈》(Old Gringo)和《恐惧角》(Cape Fear)。
The Yearling (1946)
Directed by Clarence Brown. With Gregory Peck, Jane Wyman, Claude Jarman Jr.. Jody convinces his parents to allow him to adopt a young deer, but what will ...yearling
- An animal that is one year old or has not completed its second year.
- A thoroughbred racehorse one year old dating from January 1 of the year in which it was foaled.
Being one year old.
An animal in its second year of age, e.g. yearling cattle, yearling filly, yearling colt.
WordNet: yearling
Note: click on a word meaning below to see its connections and related words. The noun has 3 meanings:
Meaning #1: a young child
Synonyms: toddler, tot, bambino
Meaning #2: a racehorse considered one year old until the second Jan. 1 following its birth
noun [C]
a very large piece of land sticking out into the sea:
the Cape of Good Hope
━━ n. 岬; (the C-) =Cape of Good Hope; (the C-) =Cape Province; (the C-) =Cape COD.
Cape Breton Island ケープ・ブレトン島 ((カナダNova Scotia州北東部の島)).
Cape Colony ケープ植民地 ((Cape Provinceの旧称)).
Cape (of Good Hope) (the ~) (南アフリカ共和国の)喜望峰.
Cape Province ケープ州 (Cape of Good Hope Province) ((南アフリカ共和国の旧州)).
Cape Town, Cape・town ケープタウン ((南アフリカ共和国の港市)).
Cape Verde カボベルデ ((西アフリカ西方の,北大西洋の島嶼国)).
Cape York Peninsula (the ~) ケープヨーク[ヨーク岬]半島 ((オーストラリア北東部の半島)).