release (MAKE FREE) Show phoneticsverb [T]
1 to give freedom or free movement to someone or something:
He was released from prison after serving two years of a five-year sentence.
She was arrested for shoplifting but was released on bail (= after paying a sum of money to the law court).
FIGURATIVE The operation released him from years of pain.
2 to move a device from a fixed position to allow it to move freely:
He released the handbrake and the car jumped forwards.
3 to fire a bomb or a missile, or to allow it to fall:
The plane released its bombs at 10 000 feet.
4 to allow a substance to flow out from somewhere:
Coal power stations release sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere.
Hormones are released from glands into the bloodstream.
5 to express a feeling which you have been trying not to show:
He punched the pillow in an effort to release his anger.
release Show phonetics
1 [S or U] when someone is allowed to leave prison, etc:
Her early release from prison led to a demonstration.
2 [U] when something flows out from somewhere:
The accident caused the release of radioactivity into the atmosphere.
━━ n., vt. 解放(する), 釈放(する) ((from)); 息抜き; 放す, 解除(する) ((from)); (ガスの)放出; (爆弾)投下; (感情の)吐露; 【法】(権利)放棄(する), 譲渡(する) ((to)); 釈放命令(書); 【機】解除装置, (カメラの)開閉装置; 公演[出版,販売](する); 公表する; 【映】封切(する); 新発売のレコード[ビデオなど], 封切り映画; =press release.
on (general) release (映画が)一般公開されて(いる).
release number 【コンピュータ】リリース番号.
re・leas・er ━━ n. 【生物】リリーサー, 解発因 ((他の動物に特定の行動を開始させる,ある動物の特性)).
release version 【コンピュータ】リリース・バージョン.
releasing factor 【生化】ホルモン放出因子 (releasing hormone).
3 [S or U] a feeling that you are free from something unpleasant:
I noticed a release of tension when he left the room.
After years of suffering, his death came as a merciful release.