2009年2月16日 星期一

freelance in a pitch (SPORTS FIELD), artefacts

China to lend treasures to Taiwan
BBC News - UK
China is to lend 29 treasures to Taiwan for an exhibition - the first such cultural exchange in 60 years. The artefacts from Beijing's Palace Museum date ...

英国一名考古个体户(freelance archaeologist)在英格兰北部蒂赛德(Teesside)附近的一个农场发现了一处盎格鲁-撒克逊人(Anglo-Saxon)的皇家墓地,里面有不少精美绝伦的黄金首饰等珍贵文物。


在对位于蒂赛德附近的雷德加(Redcar)的一幅航空照片进行研究后,考古个体户史蒂夫·舍洛克(Steve Sherlock)决定开始考古发掘工作。



在雷德加附近发现的这些皇室成员墓穴与来自现在肯特郡地区的埃塞尔伯特加公主(Kentish Princess Ethelburga)有关;埃塞尔伯特加公主当年前往英格兰北部与诺森伯亚(Northumbria)国王艾德温(Edwin)结婚。










蒂塞德考古专家罗宾·丹尼尔斯(Robin Daniels)说,“这是英格兰北部发现的唯一一处盎格鲁-撒克逊人的皇室成员墓地。”


'Dramatic' ancient cemetery found
Anglo-Saxon jewellery found near Redcar
The artefacts will be valued by the British Museum
A freelance archaeologist has uncovered what is thought to be the only known Anglo-Saxon royal burial site in the north of England.

Spectacular gold jewellery, weapons and clothing were found at the 109-grave cemetery, believed to date from the middle of the 7th Century.

Excavations were carried out after Steve Sherlock studied an aerial photo of the land near Redcar, Teesside.

Traditionally, Anglo-Saxon royalty were buried in the south, say experts.

The royals found near Redcar could be linked to the Kentish Princess Ethelburga who travelled north to marry Edwin, King of Northumbria.

Excavations began in 2005 and continued under Mr Sherlock's supervision with help from local archaeologists and volunteers.

After working six weeks every summer, the team has uncovered an area the size of half a football pitch near Loftus.

Gold brooch

Mr Sherlock, an archaeologist since 1979, said: "Whilst human bone does not survive because of the acidic soils, a range of high status jewellery was found, including glass beads, pottery, iron knives and belt buckles.

"Five of the graves had gold and silver brooches and a further burial had a seax, a type of Anglo-Saxon sword."

One of the graves also contained a gold brooch "unparalleled" in Anglo-Saxon England, he added.

The Teesside coroner will now carry out an inquest to confirm the find can be defined as "treasure".

The artefacts will then be valued by a panel of experts from the British Museum.

Tees Archaeology officer Robin Daniels said: "This is the only known Anglo-Saxon royal burial site in the North of England.

"It is the most dramatic find of Anglo-Saxon material for generations."

pitch (SPORTS FIELD) UK Show phonetics
noun [C] (US field)
an area marked for playing particular sports, especially football:
a football/hockey/cricket pitch
Supporters invaded (= ran onto) the pitch.

Show phonetics

━━ vi., n., a., ad. 無所属の作者[記者,出演者], フリーランサー(として働く); (中世の)浪人, 野武士; 自由契約の[で].
free-lancer n.freelance.

adjective, adverb
doing particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization:
Most of the journalists I know are/work freelance.
a freelance artist

freelance Show phonetics
noun [C] (ALSO freelancer)
The firm employs several freelances.

freelance Show phonetics
verb [I]
I prefer to freelance from home rather than to work in an office,

artefact MAINLY UK PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Phonetic PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
noun [C] (MAINLY US artifact)
an object that is made by a person, such as a tool or a decoration, especially one that is of historical interest:
The museum's collection includes artefacts dating back to prehistoric times.
