2009年2月15日 星期日

quintuple, offers his take on how the paradigm has shifted

» PHOTOS | When Adwai Malual, of Sudan, first learned she was pregnant with multiple children she thought it would be easy.

offers his take on how the paradigm has shifted

In the latest of DealBook's "Another View" opinion columns, Alan Patricof, the prominent venture capitalist and managing director of Greycroft Partners, offers his take on how the paradigm has shifted for the venture business.

his take 他的見解
paradigm has shifted 一般人思考方式不同了


━━ n. 範例; 【文法】語形変化表; パラダイム ((理論[認識]の枠組み)); 【コンピュータ】パラダイム ((一定の研究方式や開発方式)).
 ━━ a.
 par・a・dig・mat・i・cal・ly ━━ ad.

  1. Consisting of five parts or members.
  2. Five times as much in size, strength, number, or amount.
A fivefold amount or number.
tr. & intr.v., -pled, -pling, -ples.
To multiply or be multipled by five.
[French, from Old French : Latin quīntus, fifth + -ple, -fold (from Latin -plus).]
quintuply quin·tup'ly adv.


━━ a. 5倍の, 5重の, 5部分から成る.
━━ v. 5倍にする[なる].
━━ n. 5倍.
 ━━ n. 五つ子の一人; 五つ組.
