2009年2月27日 星期五

knockout, knock out, render, rendition, rendition of judgment

Britain's government has for the first time admitted direct involvement in the controversial US program of extraordinary rendition.


New Focus Put on Avoiding Bird Strikes
Amid evidence bird strikes knocked out both engines of US Airways Flight 1549, aviation safety experts are testing systems to reduce the risks.

Dancing Locally, Stepping Globally
The free open-air dance performances in Damrosch Park covered quite a range, deriving from the Ivory Coast, Haiti, Brazil and the Alps — that is, the Alps as rendered by Hollywood.

render (GIVE) Show phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
to give something such as a service, a personal opinion or expression, or a performance of a song or poem, etc. to people:
The singers rendered the song with enthusiasm.
We see that freight railroads make good profits while rendering excellent service.

rendering Show phonetics
noun [C] (ALSO rendition)
the way that something is performed, written, drawn, etc:
Her rendering of the song was delightful.

The verb knock out has 5 meanings:
Meaning #1: eliminate
Meaning #2: knock unconscious or senseless
Synonyms: knock cold, kayo
Meaning #3: destroy or break forcefully
Meaning #4: overwhelm with admiration
Meaning #5: empty (as of tobacco) by knocking out

1. Also, knock out cold. Render unconscious by a blow or some other means. For example, It was just a swinging door, but it knocked her out, or Just one of those sleeping pills can knock you out cold. [Late 1500s]
2. Make tired, exhaust, as in That sightseeing tour knocked me out.
3. Render useless or inoperative, as in The storm knocked out the power.
4. See knock off, def. 2.
5. See knock oneself out.

下文 knock out 的翻譯有問題
作者:英國《金融時報》克萊夫•庫克森(Clive Cookson) 2008年1月18日 星期五
南加州大學(University of Southern California)的研究人員已將酵母細胞的壽命延長至原先的10倍,同時沒有產生明顯的副作用。他們聲稱,這是有機體壽命延長方面所取得的最高紀錄。研究負責人瓦爾特•朗哥(Valter Longo)表示:“我們正在為健康生命的程式重設奠定基礎。”
這項研究結果將于下周發表在《科學公共圖書館·遺傳學》(PLoS Genetics)雜誌上,內容涉及如何將麵包酵母納入一份限制熱量攝入的食譜,抗擊兩種已知會促進衰老的基因——RAS2和SCH9。
Yeast cells open way to longer life
By Clive Cookson
Friday, January 18, 2008
Researchers at the University of Southern California have extended the life of yeast cells 10-fold, without apparent side effects. They said it was the longest lifespan extension achieved in any organism. “We're setting the foundation for reprogramming healthy life,” said Valter Longo, the study leader.
The research, to be published next week in the journal PLoS Genetics, involved putting baker's yeast on a calorie-restricted diet and knocking out two genes – RAS2 and SCH9 – known to promote ageing.
The USC scientists plan next to investigate lifespan extension in laboratory mice. They are also studying a human population in Ecuador with genetic mutations analogous to those described in yeast.


Pronunciation: /ˈnɒkaʊt/ 


1An act of knocking someone out, especially in boxing:[AS MODIFIER]: a knockout blow
1.1informal An extremely attractive or impressive person or thing:he must have been a knockout when he was young
2British tournament in which the loser in each round is eliminated.
