2024年5月9日 星期四

ravine, serenity, aria, resolute and serene, intone, wit, happy in her own skin. A Serene Oasis for Making Music

Caspar David Friedrich
Rocky Ravine
Oil on canvas
94 x 74 cms | 37 x 29 ins
Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien | Austria

#VanGogh of the Day: The Ravine (Les Peiroulets), December 1889. Oil on canvas, 72 x 92 cm. Kröller-Müller Museum, Otterlo.

2019/11/30 - 2020/03/15
三樓3A~3B 阿比查邦.韋拉斯塔古為跨足當代電影與藝術的領導人物,作品具獨特的超現實主義風格,涵蓋日常生活與超自然元素的描寫,展現史實與民間傳說、潛意識與表意識,以及各種不對等權力之間的扭曲,關注被排除在泰國歷史外的邊緣人物,因個人或政治因素而被噤聲或消除的聲音。此藝術家個展由策展人格拉西亞.卡威望(Gridthiya Gaweewong)策畫,以阿比查邦的實驗短片與錄像裝置為主,並展出部分攝影、手稿和檔案素材。這些素材呈現其創作實踐的線索,同時也表露他對社會政治的看法。阿比查邦對階級、勞動、性別和精神性的熱衷,都在他早期生涯至今的作品中一再展現。

If you hold down the center clicker for one second, you hear, in your earbuds, a crystal-clear male voice identifying the song and the performer; it knows 14 languages, so it can handle Italian aria names, for example. If you hold down the clicker longer, until you hear a beep, the voice starts rattling off the names of your playlists ("Jogging Tunes…Purchased…Makeout Music.") You click the clicker when he gets to the one you want, or use the + and - buttons to go forward or back through them.

For some reason, though, the Confusable Words industry -- dozens of websites use that label -- wants to scare us into thinking of spelling mixups as serious misunderstandings. "Check your dictionary," they intone. "Use than to make a comparison. Use then when referring to time."

pronunciation The director asked the opera singer to intone the aria differently.
IN BRIEF: Sing or play notes in correct pitch.Visitors beat the heat in serene, green ravine (JUN KANEKO/ THE ASAHI SHIMBUN)

“The president is better,” a close adviser to the mercurial Sarko told a reporter.
“There is definitely a serenity in his life now,” the French writer Olivier Royant told me.
“He has stopped behaving like a twit since the marriage,” a veteran observer of European politics agreed. “And unlike Cécilia, who seemed like a self-conscious pill who hated being at the Élysée, Carla is playing her role well. She is bien dans sa peau, happy in her own skin.”

peaceful and calm; troubled by nothing:
She has a lovely serene face.

She smiled serenely and said nothing.

noun [U]
I admired her serenity in the midst of so much chaos.

a stupid person:
He's such a twit!
You stupid twit!
 be in …'s skin 人の身になって.

noun [C]
a deep narrow valley with steep sides


━━ v. (賛美歌・経文を)詠唱する; (声に)抑揚をつける; 平板な音調で言う[唱える].
v., -toned, -ton·ing, -tones. v.tr.
  1. To recite in a singing tone.
  2. To utter in a monotone.
  1. To speak with a singing tone or with a particular intonation.
  2. Music. To sing a plainsong intonation.
[Middle English entonen, from Old French entoner, from Medieval Latin intonāre : Latin in-, in; see in–2 + Latin tonus, tone; see tone.]
intonement in·tone'ment n.
intoner in·ton'er n.

When the book opens one year earlier, Sontag is enduring life with her mother and stepfather in Los Angeles. It's 1947, but this is not going to be the memoir of a bobby soxer: "Immersed myself in Gide all afternoon and listened to the Busch recording of Don Giovanni. Several arias (such soul stretching sweetness!) I played over and over again ... If I could always hear them, how resolute and serene I would be!" (See the 100 best novels of all time.)


  1. A solo vocal piece with instrumental accompaniment, as in an opera.
  2. An air; a melody.
[Italian, from Latin āera, accusative of āēr, air, from Greek āēr.]


[It.] n. 【楽】アリア, 詠唱.
