2024年12月12日 星期四

master, master of ceremonies, he show’s Emcee, proficient, edominantly, apprenticeship, merch (short for...)

Adam Lambert Is Finding the Fun, and the Fear, in ‘Cabaret’

Making his Broadway debut as the show’s Emcee, the singer is reveling in what he calls “a thinking piece of musical theater.”

6 min read

A portrait of a man who is wearing a black-and-blue checkered suit jacket. He is standing in front of a red curtain.

August 21 is Winnie-the-Pooh’s birthday! Check out The New York Public Library Shop's collection of merch inspired by the classic children’s story 🧸

Plus, plan your visit to see the real life Pooh Bear on view in the Polonsky Exhibition of #NYPLTreasures! https://on.nypl.org/45c4Tv

Many candidates come touting their areas of expertise—beginner Spanish, ability to work well under pressure—but none compare to the fluency with which I am proficient in Microsoft Word.

The dismal financial news came only days after Toyota confirmed rumors that Mr. Toyoda, after a 25-year apprenticeship, would finally become its next president, replacing Katsuaki Watanabe, who has held the job since 2005, and who will become vice chairman. A monk crosses over the Se Kong River. Buddhism is the predominant religion in Laos.

U.S. Is Said to Weigh Travel Ban on Chinese Communist Party Members

The sweeping presidential order, still in draft form, would be based on the same statute used in a 2017 travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries.

The dismal financial news came only days after Toyota confirmed rumors that Mr. Toyoda, after a 25-year apprenticeship, would finally become its next president, replacing Katsuaki Watanabe, who has held the job since 2005, and who will become vice chairman.

A monk crosses over the Se Kong River. Buddhism is the predominant religion in Laos.

more noticeable or important, or larger in number, than others:
Research forms the predominant part of my job.
Dancers have a predominant role in this performance.

mostly or mainly:
a predominantly Muslim community
She is predominantly a dancer, but she also sings.

noun [U]
1 when one person or group of people has more importance or power than others

2 a predominance of sth a situation in which one type of person or thing within a set is the largest in number:

There is a predominance of people with an arts degree on the board of governors.

predominate Show phonetics
verb [I]
to be the largest in number or the most important:
In industrial areas, the dark-coloured variety of the moth now predominates.


  1. One that has control over another or others.
    1. The owner or keeper of an animal: The dog ran toward its master.
    2. The owner of a slave.
  2. One who has control over or ownership of something: the master of a large tea plantation.
  3. The captain of a merchant ship. Also called master mariner.
  4. An employer.
  5. The man who serves as the head of a household.
  6. One who defeats another; a victor.
    1. One whose teachings or doctrines are accepted by followers.
    2. Master Christianity. Jesus.
  7. A male teacher, schoolmaster, or tutor.
  8. One who holds a master's degree.
    1. An artist or performer of great and exemplary skill.
    2. An old master.
  9. A worker qualified to teach apprentices and carry on the craft independently.
  10. An expert: a master of three languages.
  11. (Abbr. M.)
    1. Used formerly as a title for a man holding a naval office ranking next below a lieutenant on a warship.
    2. Used as a title for a man who serves as the head or presiding officer of certain societies, clubs, orders, or institutions.
    3. Chiefly British. Used as a title for any of various male law court officers.
    4. Master Used as a title for any of various male officers having specified duties concerning the management of the British royal household.
    5. Master Used as a courtesy title before the given or full name of a boy not considered old enough to be addressed as Mister.
    6. Archaic. Used as a form of address for a man; mister.
  12. Master A man who owns a pack of hounds or is the chief officer of a hunt.
  13. An original, such as an original document or audio recording, from which copies can be made.
  1. Of, relating to, or characteristic of a master.
  2. Principal or predominant: a master plot.
  3. Controlling all other parts of a mechanism: a master switch.
  4. Highly skilled or proficient: a master thief.
  5. Being an original from which copies are made.
  1. To act as or be the master of.
  2. To make oneself a master of: mastered the language in a year's study.
  3. To overcome or defeat: He finally mastered his addiction to drugs.
  4. To reduce to subjugation; break or tame (an animal, for example).
  5. To produce a master audio recording for.
  6. To season or age (dyed goods).
[Middle English, from Old English māgister, mægister and Old French maistre, both from Latin magister.]
masterdom mas'ter·dom n.
USAGE NOTE Master has been a productive source of compounds in English, evidenced by words such as masterpiece, concertmaster, mastermind, and masterstroke, to name just a few. It is also used frequently on its own as a noun, verb, and adjective, with meanings ranging from “an original document that is to be copied” to “a man who serves as the head of a household.” The latter sense lends the word masculine connotations, which, along with the word's associations with the institutions of slavery, causes some people to be offended by the use of master in any form. Nonetheless, many senses of master, such as the noun sense “an expert” and the verb sense “to make oneself an expert at,” have long been thought of as gender-neutral and are in wide use. Some compounds, like masterpiece and master plan, have lost most, if not all, of their associations with maleness. They exist as distinct words, and people do not usually think of them as a combination of parts each containing a different meaning.

master of ceremonies
1. : master of ceremonies. especially : a person who acts as host for a program of entertainment. The emcee primes the crowd and rock music pulses, bolstered by lasers and fireworks.Dec 3, 2024
master of ceremonies
1. : master of ceremonies. especially : a person who acts as host for a program of entertainment. The emcee primes the crowd and rock music pulses, bolstered by lasers and fireworks.Dec 3, 2024

noun [C]
someone who has agreed to work for a skilled person for a particular period of time and often for low payment, in order to learn that person's skills:
Most of the work was done by apprentices.
an apprentice carpenter

verb [T usually passive] OLD USE
to make someone an apprentice:
Michelangelo was apprenticed to Ghirlandaio in Florence for three years.

noun [C or U]
a period of time working as an apprentice


━━ n. 主人; 長, かしら; 家長; 船長; (男の)先生; 飼い主; 名人, (名人の)作品, 巨匠; 親方; 〔英〕 学寮長; (M-) …坊ちゃん; (時にM-) 修士; 勝者; 自由に使いこなす人 ((of)); (the M-) キリスト; (レコードの)原盤, マスターテープ.
 be master in one's own house 一家の主(あるじ)である; 思い通りにやる.
 be master of …を自由にできる; …を切抜ける.
 be one's own master 独立している; 自由に行動できる.
 make oneself master of …に熟達する.
━━ a. 基本になる; 独立した; 熟達した; 支配的な; 主要な.
━━ vt. 支配する, 征服する; (情熱を)抑制する; (動物を)慣らす; 熟達[修得]する.
 master-at-arms (pl. masters-at-arms) 【海事】先任衛兵伍(ご)長; 警衛任務の下士官.
 Master・Card 【商標】マスターカード ((米国Master Card International社発行のクレジットカード)).
 master card (トランプの)切り札, 最後の奥の手.
 Master Charge 【商標】Master Cardの旧称.
 master class 【楽】一流の音楽家指導による上級クラス.
 Master Clerical Data マスター・クラリカル・データ ((仕事の予定時間標準のデータ;略 MCD)).
 master clock 【コンピュータ】主クロック.
 master control program 【コンピュータ】マスタ・コントロール・プログラム.
 master copy 複写[製]の元になるもの.
 master data 【コンピュータ】マスター・データ.
 master disk 【コンピュータ】マスター・ディスク.
 master file 【コンピュータ】マスター・ファイル ((データ処理に必要な情報をまとめた永続性のあるファイル)).
 mas・ter・ful ━━ a. 主人風をふかす; 見事な, 名人芸の.
mas・ter・ful・ly ad.
mas・ter・ful・ness n.
 master hand 名人; 名技 ((at)).
 master key 親かぎ, マスターキー; 【コンピュータ】かぎを暗号化するかぎ.
 mas・ter・ly ━━ a. 大家らしい, 堂々たる.
mas・ter・li・ness n.
 master・mind ━━ vt., n. すぐれた立案[指導]者; (ある計画の)主謀者(になる).
 Master of Arts 文学修士(号) ((略 MA)).
 Master of Business Administration 経営学修士(号) ((略 MBA)).
 Master of Ceremonies (式・余興の)司会者 ((略 MC)); 〔英〕 式部官.
 Master of Science 理学修士(号) ((略 MS, MSc)).
 Master of the Rolls 〔英〕 控訴院判事.
 master・piece 傑作, 代表作.
 master plan (地域開発などの)総合的基本計画.
 master processor 【コンピュータ】主プロセッサ.
 master's certificate [ticket] 【英法】商船長証書 ((英国通商省が発行する)).
 master's degree 修士号 (master's).
 master sergeant 【米陸軍・空軍】曹(そう)長.
 mas・ter・ship ━━ n. master の職[地位,権限]; 練達; 支配(力).
 master/slave computer sstem 【コンピュータ】マスター/スレイブ・システム.
 Masters Tournament (the ~) マスターズ・トーナメント (US Masters) ((ゴルフの国際競技;毎年4月に米国で開催)).
 master・stroke 手腕.
 master switch 親[元]スイッチ.
 master・work ━━ n. 大作, 傑作.
 mas・ter・y ━━ n. 支配, 統御; 克服 ((over,of)); 優位, 勝利 ((over,of)); 熟達 ((of)).
 old masters (the ~) 文芸復興期の名画家たち(の作品).

Master Builder
