2009年4月8日 星期三

homebuilder, Master Builder, banker,

In a transaction that would create the nation’s largest homebuilder, Pulte Homes and Centex said Wednesday that they would merge in a $1.3 billion stock-for-stock deal.

The two companies are hoping that the merger will help them survive a severe slump in the housing market that has helped lengthen a recession that started in December 2007. Homebuilders have sharply cut back construction and prices as they try to reduce inventories.


BBC"当然,英国2012年也有自己的重头戏,再加上政府许诺要建三百万新房和立交铁路线,需要大量建筑工。熟练建筑工联会(Federation of Master Builders)估计今后五年,每年需要87,500新工。如果波兰人回国将重挫跟2012奥林匹克运动会有关的基础项目。联会发言人布莱恩•白瑞 (Bryan Berry)说:“更大的问题是我们无法找到足够的劳力”。"
hc翻譯評論: 這 builder指"建築業者"

What is the FMB?

The FMB is a trade association established over 60 years ago to protect the interests of small and medium-sized building firms – today it is the largest trade association in the UK building industry.

The FMB is a source of knowledge, professional advice and support for its members, providing a range of modern and relevant business building services to save them time and money.
The FMB is independent and non-profit-making, lobbying continuously for members’ interests at both national and local levels.

民家を建てた職人たち : 普請帳を資料として (「近世以降の工匠」棟梁からアーキテクトへ) (主集 50年度秋季大会(関東)研究協議会・研究懇談会課題)
Artisans After Modern Age:From Master Builder to Architect

とうりょう ―りやう 1 【棟梁】


a chief; a leader; 《大工の》a master carpenter.

master (SKILLED PERSON) Show phonetics
noun [C]
1 a person who is very skilled in a particular job or activity:
He was a master of disguise.

2 a famous and very skilled painter:
This painting is clearly the work of a master.

adjective [before noun]
extremely skilled:
a master craftsman
a master chef

verb [T]
to learn how to do something well:
to master a technique
She lived in Italy for several years but never quite mastered the language.
He quickly mastered the art of interviewing people.

If an action is masterful, it is very skilful:
a masterful performance

done extremely well:
She gave a masterly performance as Kate in 'The Taming of the Shrew'.

noun [U]
If someone has a mastery of something, they are extremely skilled at it:
her mastery of the violin

  1. One, such as a person or firm, whose business is the construction of dwellings.
  2. One who builds one's own home.
homebuilding home'build'ing n.
