2016年3月1日 星期二

crucifixion, run counter to, see fit, meet with

The Geneva Convention and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights clearly state that asylum is a right. Human-rights activists argue that a cap runs counter the spirit of these texts

《中英對照讀新聞》Italy school crucifixes ’barred’ 義大利學校「禁止」懸掛十字架
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled against the use of crucifixes in classrooms in Italy. It said the practice violated the right of parents to educate their children as they saw fit, and ran counter to the child’s right to freedom of religion.

Gillibrand Meets With Clinton 
Two days before she is to join the U.S. Senate, Kirsten E. Gillibrand met for lunch with Hillary Rodham Clinton.

meet with

Encounter or experience, as in The housing bill met with their approval, or Drunk and homeless, he's bound to meet with a bad end[Mid-1400s]

Idioms: run counter to
Be in conflict with, oppose, as in Practice often runs counter to theory. This idiom, first recorded in 1843, uses counter in the sense of "in an opposite direction."
run counter to:片語,指造成反效果的、相反的,如Your proposal runs counter to what is required by the manager.(你的提案跟經理的要求相反。)

see fit
Deem appropriate, as in He's entitled to divide up his property as he sees fit, or If we see fit to attend, we'll be there. This expression uses see in the sense of "view as," a usage dating from about 1325.

see fit:(正式用語)認為合適或必須做某事,如She saw fit to take her son away from the school.(她認為應該把兒子帶離這間學校。)

crucify Show phonetics
verb [T]
1 to kill someone by tying or nailing them to a cross and leaving them there to die
2 INFORMAL to severely punish or damage someone or something:
He's going to crucify me when he finds out what I've done!


(krū'sə-fĭk'shən) pronunciation

    1. The act of crucifying; execution on a cross.
    2. Crucifixion The crucifying of Jesus on Calvary. Used with the.
    3. A representation of Jesus on the cross.
  1. An extremely difficult, painful trial; torturous suffering.

crucifixion:釘死於十字架;在十字架上釘死:(1) 將死刑犯釘在十字架上是羅馬帝國死刑之一,多用於對付反抗之奴隸。猶太人要求把耶穌釘死在十字架上,視基督為奴隸。(2) 耶穌在十字架上的死亡。

n. - 釘死於十字架, 精神痛苦, 拷問
日本語 (Japanese)
n. - はり付け, キリストのはりつけi31

我昨天讀 Oxford Companion to Art 對此在藝術史的表現方式有全面之介紹
Trent, Council of:脫(特)利騰大公會議;特倫多大公會議:(從1545-1563年由教宗保祿二世、猶理二世及碧岳四世在脫(特)利騰(特蘭特)所召開和主持的大公會議。)之後對於表現方式,有一些"簡樸"之要求。
不過,500年來似乎.....Wikipedia article "Crucifixion".
