2016年3月15日 星期二

pearly, breeze, breeze through, cinch, pushover, multitasking/supertasker, out-of-favour

Lawrence Ferlinghetti, poet laureate of Coney Island, cofounder of perhaps America’s most famous bookstore, wrote of his adopted city:
The changing light / at San Francisco / is none of your East Coast light
none of your / pearly light of Paris
The light of San Francisco / is a sea light / an island light

The New Yorker
Today's Daily Cartoon by Tom Toro. Find more cartoons here:http://nyr.kr/1Hf6DBu

Supertaskers: Why Some Can Do Two Things at Once

By Alice Park
Researchers say multitasking is a myth: when people try to do two things at once, performance on both tasks drops. But for a tiny group of supertaskers, new research finds, doubling up on duties is a breeze

South Asians, nearly a quarter of the world's population, are no pushovers. Some 1.6 billion people, the entire region, now live within civilian-led democracies, however imperfect. South Asian voters are ever readier to eject out-of-favour rulers. In the year to May 2014, governments in six out of seven South Asian countries are likely to change http://econ.st/17vAJlX

Robots Dazzle at Japanese Exhibit

TOKYO (AP) — A robot math whiz breezes through a Rubik's Cube, using metal hands to twist and turn the colorful toy. A panda robot uses sensors to detect when people are laughing, and joins in. A dentistry student peers into the mouth of a new patient — a humanoid practice robot with a complete set of pearly white teeth...

The Prisoner of Chillon 錫雍的囚徒、第13節

(Chillon 在瑞士日內瓦湖北端一個名為「錫雍」(chillon)的古堡,在宗教改革時代,曾是囚禁「異端份子」的所在,而死於錫雍的囚徒,自十六世紀後期開始,到十七世紀,計有超過 ...)

The select poetical works of Lord Byron: containing The ...

And o'er it blew the mountain breeze ; And by it there were waters flowing , And on it there were young flowers growing Of gentle breath and hue. The fish swam  ...

郭宏安談breze :有微風之義,若加形容詞,似以"清涼的"、"清冽的"、"凜冽的"為妥,以山間之風論,更不可加"柔和的",否則於理不通。.....法譯本"凜冽的北風"也。(《訪錫雍古堡》,收入《塞納河 萊蒙湖》北京:三聯,2007,頁231

Full Definition of pearly

  1. 1:  resembling, containing, or adorned with pearls or mother-of-pearl
  2. 2:  highly precious

hc按:breeze 語源而已:[古スペイン語briza(北東風). 原義は「北東から吹いてくる冷たい風」]

breeze through
The verb breeze through has one meaning:
Meaning #1: succeed at easily


Pronunciation: /ˈpʊʃəʊvə/
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  • 1 informal a person who is easy to overcome or influence:Colonel Moore was benevolent but no pushover
  • a thing that is very easily done:this is going to be a pushover
2 (also pushover try) Rugby a try in which one side in a scrum pushes the ball over the opponents' goal line.

  1. A light current of air; a gentle wind.
  2. Any of five winds with speeds of from 4 to 27 knots (5 to 31 miles per hour; 7 to 50 kilometers per hour), according to the Beaufort scale.
  3. Informal. Something, such as a task, that is easy to do.
a thing that is easy to do or accomplish.

"travelling through London was a breeze"
intr.v., breezed, breez·ing, breez·es.
  1. To blow lightly.
  2. Informal. To progress swiftly and effortlessly: We breezed through the test.
  3. To sprint around a racetrack as a means of exercise. Used of a racehorse.
shoot the breeze Slang.
  1. To engage in idle conversation.
[Perhaps from Old Spanish briza, northeast wind.]
SYNONYMS breeze, cinch, pushover, snap. These nouns denote something easily accomplished: The exam was a breeze. Chopping onions is a cinch with a food processor. Winning the playoffs was no pushover. The new computer program was a snap to learn.

  1. [名]
  2. 1 そよ風,微風;《気象》時速4-28海里(1.6-13.8m/s)の風. ⇒WIND1[類語]
    • stiff breeze
    • かなり強い風.
  3. 2 ((主に英略式))ごたごた,けんか.
  4. 3 ((略式))容易なこと,楽なこと
    • The test was a breeze.
    • 試験は簡単だった.
  5. 4 ((略式))風聞,うわさ.
  1. bat [shoot, fan] the breeze
    • ((米俗))おしゃべりする,だべる,ばか話をする;大げさに言う.
  1. burn the breeze
    • ((米俗))すごいスピードで走る.
  1. ━━[動](自)
  2. 1 ((通例itを主語として))そよ風が吹く
  3. 2 すいすいと[軽快に,さっそうと]動く;((略式))滑るように進む((along));(仕事を)楽にやり遂げる((through ...))
  4. 3 ((米略式))不意に立ち寄る,乱入する((in));不意に立ち去る((out, off)).
