2016年3月1日 星期二

Do-Over, ark, revise, rule out, Judaism. Jews, keep sth in the background

1. Olympics Do-Over: Sports to Add, Sports to Kill
By TIME Staff
Did you ever get that feeling, during London 2012, that there was something missing from your Olympics? Or that there was a sport dragging the whole thing down?

Slide Show: An Ark Built for Today
A man in Dordrecht, the Netherlands built an ark to teach others about the bible.
Olympus Is Urged to Revise Board
Top Olympus executives should resign their board seats but retain their management posts for the time being to keep the company stable, said a former director who is leading a push to reform the company.

Putin Rules Out Election Do-Over

After thousands protest, Russian leader says the disputed results "undoubtedly reflect public opinion."

The Vermont senator, the candidate who has come closer than any other Jew to being a Democratic or Republican presidential nominee, has mostly avoided discussing his Judaism.
NEW YORK -- As Bernie Sanders headed toward victory in New Hampshire, pundits noted the barrier he was about to break: Sanders would become…

rule out
1. Eliminate from consideration, exclude, as in The option of starting over again has been ruled out. [Second half of 1800s]
2. Prevent, make impossible, as in The snowstorm ruled out our weekly rehearsal. [First half of 1900s]

(ärk) pronunciation
  1. often Ark Bible. The chest containing the Ten Commandments written on stone tablets, carried by the Hebrews during their desert wanderings. Also called Ark of the Covenant.
  2. often Ark Judaism. The Holy Ark.
  3. Bible. The boat built by Noah for survival during the Flood.
  4. Nautical. A large, commodious boat.
  5. A shelter or refuge.
[Middle English, from Old English arc, from Germanic *arka, from Latin arca, chest.]

“When Steven Simkin and Laura Blank divorced and split their assets, the largest chunk of money was invested with Bernard Madoff, and Mr. Simkin is now suing to revise the deal.”
— By Peter Lattman

Also, do something over.


  • Another time; again: counted his cards over; had to do it over.

  • revise
    (rĭ-vīz') pronunciation
    tr.v., -vised, -vis·ing, -vis·es.
    1. To prepare a newly edited version of (a text).
    2. To reconsider and change or modify: I have revised my opinion of him. See synonyms at correct.
    n. Printing ('vīz', rĭ-vīz')
    A proof made from an earlier proof on which corrections have been made.

    [Latin revīsere, to visit again, look at again : re-, re- + vīsere, frequentative of vidēre, to see; see review.]
    revisable re·vis'a·ble adj.
    reviser re·vis'er or re·vi'sor n.

    Judaism 猶太教
