2016年3月28日 星期一

reshore, tufted, ancestral, bad blood, original sin

Image result for original sin
Iraqi Christians gathered in Baghdad this weekend to mark Easter but celebrations were tempered by fears Islamic State would eradicate their shrinking community, even as the army launched a U.S.-backed offensive to retake Mosul, their ancestral homeland.


“Humanity takes itself too seriously. It is the world’s original sin. If the cave-man had known how to laugh, History would have been different.”


“Places like China and Asia, and parts of South America, have become very attractive, not just because of low labor costs but because of high quality.”

Reshoring Isn't a Myth -- But It's Not a Phenomenon Either

While it’s true that some companies are bringing manufacturing back to the...
Bad blood between Japan and Korea still persists

Bad blood between Japan and Korea persists - BBC News
As Japan marks the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War...

Pan grabs the nanny goat’s tufted beard, yanking forward her head so that he can stare deep into her eyes.

Sculpture of ancient Rome: The shock of the old

The Romans loved art full of violence and sex. But where modern viewers see smut and gore, ancient eyes may have seen something different.

It is widely agreed amongst etymologists that 'toff' was a corruption of 'tuft', which has a clear aristocratic pedigree, being the ornamental tassel on an academic cap. Specifically, a tuft was the gold tassel originally worn on academic caps at Oxford University by the sons of those peers who had a vote in the House of Lords. They were worn on the celebratory 'Gaudy Days', i.e. the university's twice-yearly feast days (which sound a good deal more fun than 'Dress-down Fridays'). The wearers of the prestigious tufts became known as tufts themselves, even having their own sycophantic crowd of wannabees, known as the 'tufthunters'.

If ever there was a tuft, it was the well-connected student Archibald Philip Primrose, the fifth Earl of Rosebery, first Earl of Midlothian and later British Prime Minister. In March 1894, The Westmoreland Gazette reported that:

Lord Rosebery was one of the last undergraduates of Christ Church who wore the gold tassel, known by the name of 'tuft', which was the distinguishing mark of noblemen and the sons of noblemen.

Tufts were variously called tofts, tuffs and, by 1851 at least, toffs. They were already a well-established breed before 'toffee-nosed' began to be used. That didn't emerge until the early 20th century, as in this definition from Fraser and Gibbons' Soldier and Sailor Words, 1925:

Toffee-nosed, stuck up.

Original sin, also called ancestral sin, is the Christian doctrine of humanity's state of sinresulting from the fall of man, stemming from Adam's rebellion in Eden.

reshore  Line breaks: re|shore
Pronunciation: /riːˈʃɔː/

Definition of reshore in English:

(Of a company) transfer (a business operation that was moved overseas) back to the country from which it was originally relocated:increasing numbers of US-based manufacturingbusinesses are planning to reshore production fromChina back to the US[NO OBJECT]: the decision to reshore hinges on a host of factors, including taxes, regulations, currencies, and government incentives

Definition of bad blood in English:

Ill feeling:there has always been bad blood between these families

Definition of tuft in English:

1A bunch or collection of threads, grass, hair, etc., held or growing together at the base:scrubby tufts of grass

Definition of tufted in English:

Having or growing in a tuft or tufts:tufted grass
