2016年3月31日 星期四

consulate, consul, proconsul, consulate-general

Stand News 立場新聞


China refuses to clear 'Senkaku' books

Of 892 books destined for a Japanese residents school that were seized at Shanghai customs in late January, eight have yet to be cleared for entry into China, sources at the school said Saturday.
The eight remaining books cover geography and were ordered by the school in Pudong, which has 1,089 students and is part of the Shanghai Japanese School.
Through the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai, the Japanese government asked the Chinese government to explain the reason for the continued failure to release the books, but the Chinese side has yet to offer any explanation, the sources said.
If China fails to give a convincing response for not releasing the books, the government will consider lodging an official complaint.
According to sources, the Japanese Consulate General in Shanghai on Feb. 14 called on the Chinese customs authorities to disclose the reason for the seizure of the 892 books, explain which law was being applied and clear the books for entry as quickly as possible. As a result, all but the eight in question were cleared on Feb. 15.
A local customs agent told the school officials that the release of the eight books remained blocked because further research into the content of the books was required.
The Education, Science and Technology Ministry said the eight books are volumes one to eight of an atlas to be placed in the school's library. The first volume contains a map in which the Senkaku islands, which China claims, are indicated as Japanese territory. The government is assuming that the Chinese authorities saw this map as problematic.
(Feb. 24, 2008)

  • 1. 領事{りょうじ}◆海外に在住して領事館に勤務し、自国の通商の便宜を図り、自国民を保護する領事館。
  • 2. 〔古代{こだい}ローマの〕執政官{しっせいかん}、コンスル◆ローマ共和国の最高位の官職。任期は1年で2名選出された。
  • 3. 〔フランス共和国{きょうわこく}の〕執政{しっせい}◆1799〜1804年の執政政府に3人の執政が置かれ、第一執政はナポレオン・ボナパルトであった。

━━ n. 【古ローマ】地方総督; 植民地総督.
pro・con・sul・ar ━━ a.
 ━━ n. proconsulの職[地位・任期].


Pronunciation: /ˈkɒnsjʊlət/ 


1The building in which a consul’s duties are carried out:he called at the consulate in Palestine to pick up a visa
1.1The office or position of a consul.
2historical The period of office of a Roman consul.
2.1(the consulate) The system of government by consuls in ancient Rome.
3(the Consulate)The government of the first French republic (1799–1804) by three consuls.


Late Middle English (denoting the government of Rome by consuls): from Latin consulatus, from consul (see consul).


━━ n. 領事館; 領事の職[任期].
consulate general 総領事館[職].
