2024年11月17日 星期日

pellucid, prehensile, keen.Bell said she felt connections to ancient Egypt in “the things that I thought were just abstract shapes and movements” in her dance.Credit...

Mori Arts Center
Hiroshige's color woodcut of the Satta Pass is from his "Tokaido" series on view at the Phillips Collection.

a keen sense of humor/loyalty.

 a keen sense of words

Part of what is so wonderful in Hiroshige is how he gently nudged the schematic abstraction of his fine, prehensile cartoon outlining and flat colors in the direction of naturalism, achieving with pellucid economy naturalistic effects of light and weather and specific descriptions of natural features of the landscape.

example: 1932/1/22

胡適日記全集 p.625

A woman sitting on the floor holds her arms in a dance position.
A rehearsal for a newly conceived piece by Sidra Bell for “Flight into Egypt.” Bell said she felt connections to ancient Egypt in “the things that I thought were just abstract shapes and movements” in her dance.Credit...Naima Green for The New York Times

  • [prihénsl | -sail]
(prē-hĕn'səl, -sīl') pronunciation
  1. Adapted for seizing, grasping, or holding, especially by wrapping around an object: a monkey's prehensile tail.
  2. Having keen intellect; insightful.
  3. Greedy; grasping.
[French préhensile, from Latin prehēnsus, past participle of prehendere, to grasp.]

1 〈動物の手・尾が〉つかむのに適した, つかむことができる.
2 理解力を備えた.

(pə-lū'sĭd) pronunciation
  1. Admitting the passage of light; transparent or translucent. See synonyms at clear.
  2. Transparently clear in style or meaning: pellucid prose.
[Latin pellūcidus, from pellūcēre, to shine through : per-, through; see per- + lūcēre, to shine.]
pellucidity pel·lu·cid'i·ty or pel·lu'cid·ness n.
pellucidly pel·lu'cid·ly adv.

1 〈ガラスなどが〉透明の;〈水・声が〉澄んだ.
2 〈意味・文体が〉明瞭(めいりょう)[明白]な, 明晰(めいせき)な.
[ラテン語pellūcēre (per-(通して)+lūcēre(輝く)]


Pronunciation: /kiːn/
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Definition of keen


  • 1chiefly British having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm:a keen gardener John was keen to help
  • (keen on) interested in or attracted by (someone or something):Bob makes it obvious he’s keen on her
  • 2sharp or penetrating, in particular:
  • (of a sense) highly developed:I have keen eyesight
  • (of mental faculties) quick to understand:her keen intellect
  • (of the edge or point of a blade) sharp: the keen blade went through the weeds
  • (of the air or wind) extremely cold; biting: a keen wind cut through their thick overalls
  • literary (of a smell, light, or sound) penetrating; clear: ear-splitting explosive bursts, keen and sharp
  • 3British (of activity or feeling) intense:there could be keen competition to provide the service
  • 3(of prices) very low; competitive: we offer extremely keen rates
  • 4 [predic.] North American informal, dated excellent: I would soon fly to distant stars—how keen!


(as) keen as mustard

British informal extremely eager or enthusiastic.





Old English cēne 'wise, clever', also 'brave, daring', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch koen and German kühn 'bold, brave'. Current senses date from Middle English


1 〈人が〉熱心な;(…に)熱中して, 夢中になって((about, for ...));((主に英))(…したく)思っている((to do));(…ということを)熱望して((that節));[be keen on A]〈人が〉〈A(事)を〉したがっている(▼Aは名詞・動名詞);((主に英))〈人が〉〈A(人・事)に〉熱をあげている. ⇒EAGER[類語]
be keen aboutongoing abroad [=be keen to go abroad
be mad keen on ...
I am keen that Ned should enlist [=for Ned to enlist, on Ned('s) enlisting] in the navy.
He is keen on Mary.
2 〈人・感覚・反応などが〉鋭敏な, (…の)敏感な((of ...));〈知覚・洞察力などが〉明敏な;抜け目のない. ⇒SHARP[類語]
a keen witsense of smell
a keen observer
be keen of hearing [=have a keen ear
be (as) keen as a razor
be keen in one's business
3 〈競争・討論などが〉激しい, 激烈な.
4 〈声・音が〉かん高い;〈においが〉鼻につんとくる;〈言葉などが〉痛烈な, 辛らつな;((古風))〈寒さ・風などが〉肌を刺すような, 骨身にこたえる
a keen chill
keen satire
5 ((文))〈刃物などが〉よく切れる, 鋭利な
a keen blade
a keen knife
6 〈感情・欲求などが〉強烈な
keen jealousy
7 ((俗))〈物・人・時などが〉すてきな, すばらしい
a keen kidpresent
8 ((英))格別に安い.
[古英語cēne. △CAN1, KNOW
