2024年11月15日 星期五

confession of a martyr, pilgrimage, martyrdom. Egyptian myth, including a fez, gloves, and Baaba Heru Ankh Ra Semahj Se Ptah’s “The Ankh of Love,” 1975.Credit...


A visitor snaps a photo of pilgrims dancing in honor of ancient spirits in Egypt, a fez,  and gloves from the Daughters of Isis hang on the wall of a gallery.
Left wall, Chester Higgins, “African American pilgrims dance in honor of ancient spirits. Lake Nasser, Egypt,” 2006 / 2024. Right wall, the show includes modern regalia inspired by Egyptian myth, including a fez, gloves, and Baaba Heru Ankh Ra Semahj Se Ptah’s “The Ankh of Love,” 1975.Credit...Jeenah Moon for The New York
左牆,切斯特·希金斯,“非裔美國朝聖者跳舞以紀念古老的精神。埃及納賽爾湖”,2006 / 2024。右牆上,展覽包括受埃及神話啟發的現代服飾,包括土耳其氈帽、手套和Baaba Heru Ankh Ra Semahj Se Ptah 的《愛的十字章》,1975 年。


Illustration of ankh

Illustration of ankh
In almost all the world's religions, martyrdom plays an important role. What exactly does it mean? In the founding texts of Christianity and Islam the word for martyr is identical or nearly identical to that for witness, someone who gives testimony (not necessarily in dramatic circumstances) about something they believe to be true, or have seen for themselves http://econ.st/1943dDy



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Ninety years after the royal family was gunned down, Russians make a pilgrimage to a church built on the site where they were imprisoned and executed.

The violence unfolded on a day of extraordinary tension across Iran. The opposition leader, Mir Hussein Moussavi, appeared at a demonstration in southern Tehran and called for a general strike if he were to be arrested. “I am ready for martyrdom,” he told supporters.


--> ━━ n. 殉教者; (主義などに)殉じる人 ((to)); 苦しむ人 ((to)) (~ to gout 痛風に悩む人).
make a martyr of oneself わざと殉教者ぶる.
━━ vt. (信仰・主義を理由に)(人を)殺す; 迫害する.
mar・tyr・dom ━━ n. 殉教; 殉死; 苦難.


━━ n. 巡礼[放浪・旅行]者; (P-) Pilgrim Fathersの一人.
━━ vi. 巡礼(の旅を)する; 流浪する.
 ━━ n., vi. 巡礼の旅; 長途の旅; 人生の行路; 巡礼する.
Pilgrim Fathers (the ~) ピルグリムファーザーズ ((1620年Mayflower号に乗って北米に渡った英国清教徒団)).
Pilgrim's Progress (The ~) 『天路歴程』 ((John Bunyan作)).

confession:(1) 懺悔聖事:詳見Confession, Sacrament of。(2) 告明:告解五條件之一。五條件為省察、痛悔、定改、告明、補贖。(3) 頌揚天主。(4) 信仰表白;宣信:指以言語或行動表達心中的信仰(參閱瑪十32-33)。又稱 confession of faith。Confession 之拉丁文是 confessio。
confession, general:總告解:將某時期內,未告過或已告過之罪,全盤告明,以示謙虛認罪決心。
Confession, Sacrament of:懺悔聖事;告解聖事;和好聖事;辦告解;辦神工。詳見 Penance, Sacrament of。
confession, seal of:告解保密。詳見seal of confession。
confession of a martyr:(1) 殉教者之墓。(2)(祭台下存放)殉教者(遺骸的)地下室:聖伯鐸大殿葬有聖伯鐸遺骸的地下室簡稱 Confession。
confession of faith:(1) 信仰宣誓。(2) 為信仰作證。
Confessiones(L.):懺悔錄。詳見 Confessions。
Confessions:懺悔錄:是在四、五世紀之交,教會偉大思想家聖(奧)思定皈依天主教後所寫的自傳,共十三卷,以拉丁文寫成:頌揚天主,並懺悔自己過去所犯的罪過。拉丁文為 Confessiones St. Augustini。
confessor:(1)聽告解神父:拉丁文稱作 confessionarius;指有主教的准許,可執行懺悔聖事的司祭。而特殊聽告解神父 extraordinary confessor,則指男女修會於普通(經常)聽告解神父外,所特約的聽告解神父。(2) 證道者;精修聖人:以聖善的生活為主作證的(非殉道)聖人;與殉道聖人相對照。(3) 懺悔者;告解者。(4) 承認信仰者;宣信者。
