2020年5月23日 星期六

CHURCH, dechurching, parishioner, parochial, align yourself with sb/sth

One in five churches—and one in three mainline ones—could close for good within the next 18 months

Why were the Ukraine festivities such a pivotal moment? Mr Yushchenko, a devout believer himself, longs to see a united Ukrainian Orthodox church; some say he is envious of the role played by his counterpart in Moscow, Vladimir Putin, in ending an 80-year-old division in the Russian church. But Ukraine’s religious scene is messy. There are Greek Catholics who worship in an Orthodox way but acknowledge the pope; there are two church organisations (one founded in 1921, the other in 1992) which identify strongly with Ukrainian nationhood but remain unrecognised by other Orthodox Christians. The largest group, as measured by the number of parishes, consists of Orthodox Christians aligned with Moscow.

Mr. Urakoshi had arrived early for Saturday evening Mass at Komeyama, the northernmost parish on a slender, fingerlike piece of land jutting out into the sea and reachable by a single-lane mountainous road.
Another parishioner, Tsuyako Takeya, 66, said all but her youngest child had migrated to cities. Only two of her five grandchildren had been baptized.

align yourself with sb/sth phrasal verb [R]
If you align yourself with an organization or person, you agree with and support their aims:
The party is under pressure to align itself more closely with industry.
The major unions are aligned with the government on this issue.

noun [C]
(in some Christian groups) an area cared for by one priest and which has its own church, or (in England) the smallest unit of local government:
the parish church/magazine/priest/register
See also parochial (OF A CHURCH).

noun [C]
a member of a particular parish under the care of a priest, especially one who frequently goes to its church
parish:堂區;本堂區;堂口:乃天主教教務轄區的最小單位,為一固定區域的信友團體,由堂區主任負責其牧靈事務(參閱法典515-552)。 合本堂區而為教區,合教區而為教省。譬如台灣地區共分七教區,即台北、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄、花蓮;其中台北為總教區,而台北總教區內又分若干堂 區,如主教座堂、聖家堂、華山堂等。基督教稱之為教區、牧區。
parish church:堂區聖堂;本堂區聖堂。
parish priest:堂區司鐸;本堂神父:狹義講,指專職管理堂區的主任司鐸 pastor;廣義講,則指任何於堂區工作的司鐸。此職務由教區主教指派。拉丁文稱作 parochus。

Separating schoolboys from schoolgirls has long been a staple of private and parochial education. But the idea is now gaining traction in American public schools, in response to both the desire of parents to have more choice in their children's public education and the separate education crises girls and boys have been widely reported to experience.

parochial (OF A CHURCH)
connected with a parish (= an area which has its own church or priest):
parochial boundaries
parochial school:天主教堂區學校:譬如美國天主教各堂區所創立的小學,由修女管理,經費大半由堂區教友捐獻,政府亦加補助。按統計,美國天主教堂區創立的小學,黃金時期曾超過一萬餘所,學生近五百萬人。
parochial vicar:堂區副主任;助理本堂;副本堂;副主任司鐸。詳見 pastor。

東方正統教派(Oriental Orthodox Communion)是一組東方正統教內的教會,它們均互相完全共融(full communion)。該教派包括:

slam on the brakesto make a car stop very suddenly by pressing the brakes very hard

  1. An Egyptian belonging to or descended from the people of ancient or pre-Islamic Egypt.
  2. A member of the Coptic Church.
[French Copte, from New Latin Coptus, from Arabic Qubṭ, Copts, from Coptic Gyptias, from Greek Aiguptios, an Egyptian, from Aiguptos, Egypt, of Egyptian origin.]
