The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
在「 From The Vaults 」發佈了 1 段影片。
“Pottery making is one of the earliest of the crafts—one of the first of the arts—so old that its very origin is unknown.”
In this enchanting silent film––featuring a new musical score by
Ben Model
––a grandmother brings her granddaughter to a pottery studio in search of a new pitcher, but the mischievous youngster has other plans!
#FunFact: This film, among the earliest made by The Met, is directed by Robert Flaherty, who produced the first commercially successful feature-length documentary, “Nanook of the North.”
In Inuit religion, Nanook was the master of bears, meaning he decided if hunters deserved success in finding and hunting bears and punished violations of taboos. The word was popularized by Nanook of the North, the first feature-length ...
Nanook of the North - Wikipedia › wiki › Nanook_of...
Nanook of the North is a 1922 American silent documentary film by Robert J. Flaherty, with elements of docudrama, at a time when the concept of separating films into documentary and drama did not yet exist. In the tradition of what would later ...
Nanook of the North - Wikipedia › wiki › Nanook_of...
Nanook of the North is a 1922 American silent documentary film by Robert J. Flaherty, with elements of docudrama, at a time when the concept of separating films into documentary and drama did not yet exist. In the tradition of what would later ...
Antoine Bourdelle, “Penelope,” 1909, cast bronze, dark green patina
Pottery Video of the Week: Creating a Patina on Pottery with Trailed Slip and Layered Underglazes
There are a ton of fun pottery decorating techniques out there involving slips and underglazes. And the technique in today’s video is another fine example, and one I hadn’t ever seen until filming Erin Furimsky’s Layered Surfaces DVD. So, I thought it would be a good one to share.
In this technique, Erin slip trails some patterns on a piece, then paints a couple of layers of different colored underglazes on top. After everything dries to bone dry, she sands and scrapes away at the layers creating an effect similar in appearance to layered paint. And it is gorgeous. Check it out! – Jennifer Harnetty, editor.
Japanese Auto Makers Raid the Vaults
Wall Street Journal
By CHESTER DAWSON YOKOHAMA, Japan—Japanese auto makers are reaching back—way back—to add a patina of past glory to some of their newest products, reviving long-dormant names to tap nostalgia and hold down marketing costs. Take Nissan Motor Co.
Old Patina Encircles Fresh Art in Venice
The artwork of the 54th Venice Biennale is more subdued and less experimental than in years past.
Word of the Day:
verdigris (VUHR-di-grees, -gris, -gree)
noun: A bluish-green patina formed on copper, brass, and bronze when exposed to air or water for a long time.
From Old French verte grez (green of Greece). It was earlier used as a pigment by artists. The Greek connection is not clear. Earliest documented use: 1336.
"The time capsule, made of copper, showed the verdigris of age." — Jacqueline L. Urgo; Time Capsule Reveals 1936 Atlantic City; The Philadelphia Inquirer; Jul 14, 2010.
- [pǽtənə | -tinə]
1 緑青(ろくしょう).
2 (使いこまれた器具の表面の)つや, 古色.
3 [C]表面を薄くおおう物;[U](表面的につけられた)風格, 品位
a patina of dust
━━[名] 下絵の具;下絵.
- 発音記号[biennɑ'ːlei]
[名]ビエンナーレ, 隔年行事.
[イタリア語. △BIENNIAL]
ビエンナーレ - Wikipedia - ビエンナーレ(biennale)とは2年に一度開かれる美術展覧会のことである。「ビエンナーレ」の原意はイタリア語で「2年に一度」「2年周期」である。英語でバイエニアル(Biennial)と呼ばれる展覧会もある。 語源となったヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレが世界中から美術 ...
Syllabification: cop·per
Pronunciation: /ˈkäpər
- 1a red-brown metal, the chemical element of atomic number 29. (Symbol: Cu)
Copper was the earliest metal to be used by humans, first by itself and then later alloyed with tin to form bronze. A ductile, easily worked metal, it is a very good conductor of heat and electricity and is used especially for electrical wiring
[with object] Back to topOrigin
Old English copor, coper (related to Dutch koper and German Kupfer), based on late Latin cuprum, from Latin cyprium aes 'Cyprus metal' (so named because Cyprus was the chief source).brass
Syllabification: brass
Pronunciation: /bras
- North American • informal a prize or goal that someone strives for: Willa went for the brass ring, joining the firm at a whopping salary
[with reference to the reward of a free ride given on a merry-go-round to the person hooking a brass ring suspended over the horses]
[名]1 [U]真鍮(しんちゅう), 黄銅;真鍮色.2 ((通例the 〜(es)))((集合的))真鍮製品(ろうそく立てなど);真鍮製の金物(引き出しの引き手など).3 《機械》軸受け金[メタル];(肖像・紋章などを彫り込んだ)記念牌(はい).4 ((the 〜))
(1) ((〜es))((集合的))金管楽器(trumpet, hornなど).
(2) (楽隊やオーケストラの)金管楽器部.5 ((英略式))
(1) [U]金(money);現金, 現なま.
(2) 売春婦.6 [U]((しばしばbig [top, heavy] 〜))((集合的))((しばしば複数扱い))((略式))高級将校連, 高級官僚, お歴々, 大物たち(brass hat)
8 ((米俗))安物の宝石.━━[形]2 金管楽器の, 金管楽器用に作曲した.3 〈声・音が〉鳴り響く, 響き渡る.━━[動](自)((英略式))金を支払う((up)).━━(他)((受身))(…に)うんざりする((off/with ...)).[古英語bræs(真鍮). 古フリジア語では「銅」, 中低ドイツ語では「金属」を意味した]
Syllabification: bronze
Pronunciation: /bränz/
[with object] (usually be bronzed) Back to topDerivatives
mid 17th century (as a verb): from French bronze (noun), bronzer (verb), from Italian bronzo, probably from Persian birinj 'brass'.
- bronze
- [名]1 [U]青銅, ブロンズ;銅合金.2 [U]青銅色(▼日本の10円銅貨の色);青銅色の絵の具.3 青銅製品;銅メダル;青銅貨.━━[動](他)…を青銅色にする, 青銅に似せる;〈皮膚を〉...
the brass ring