2020年5月31日 星期日

fire, play with fire, The FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement, existential, catch fire, on fire, fire and brimstone, A fire whirl, fire devil, fire tornado, firenado, fire swirl, or fire twister

Aerial pictures show a "firenado," also known as a fire tornado, rolling across Queensland, Australia, as emergency crews across the country continue to battle more than 100 bushfires. https://cnn.it/355ZG9n

Why China’s Prized Liquor Is On Fire Again

"The Ebola crisis has aroused its own flavor of fear," writes Op-Ed columnist David Brooks. "It's a sour, existential fear. It's a fear you feel when the whole environment seems hostile."

George Soros: “Europe is facing a challenge from Russia to its very existence. Neither the European leaders nor their citizens are fully aware of this challenge or know how best to deal with it"
Investor says Vladimir Putin’s aggressive nationalism challenges values...

'Luka and the Fire of Life'

In Salman Rushdie's new children's novel, a sequel to "Haroun and the Sea of Stories," his hero must enter a magical realm to protect the very existence of storytelling.

Kindle Catches Fire

After more than a year of missteps by Apple's tablet rivals, at least one viable competitor, Amazon's Kindle Fire, appears to have surfaced for the popular iPad.


原文的FIRE是一個字頭詞(FIRE=FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE, RETIRE EARLY:財務自主、提早退休),原書用成語PLAYING WITH FIRE(玩火)達到醒目的目的,再用說明補充,中文完全無從招架,難上加難。真是難為了譯者。

The FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Earlymovement is a lifestyle movement whose goal is financial independence and retiring early. The model became particularly popular among millennials in the 2010s, gaining traction through online communities via information shared in blogs, podcasts, and online discussion forums



Fire whirl - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Fire_whirl
A fire whirl, also commonly known as a fire devil, or, (in many cases erroneously) as a fire tornado, firenado, fire swirl, or fire twister, is a whirlwind induced by a fire and often (at least partially) composed of flame or ash. These start with a whirl ...

Kindle Fire銷售火爆有望成為銷量亞軍

亞馬遜本月上市的平板電腦Kindle Fire取得了相當不俗的銷售成績﹐有望成為平板電腦市場銷量第二的產品﹐僅次於蘋果公司的iPad。

catch fire

1. Be ignited, as in This wood is dry enough to catch fire. [c. 1600] Also see set on fire.
2. Become inflamed with enthusiasm or passion, as in His ideas caught fire all over the country. [Early 1700s]

    1. A rapid, persistent chemical change that releases heat and light and is accompanied by flame, especially the exothermic oxidation of a combustible substance.
    2. Burning fuel or other material: a cooking fire; a forest fire.
    1. Burning intensity of feeling; ardor. See synonyms at passion.
    2. Enthusiasm.
  1. Luminosity or brilliance, as of a cut and polished gemstone.
  2. Liveliness and vivacity of imagination; brilliance.
  3. A severe test; a trial or torment.
  4. A fever or bodily inflammation.
    1. The discharge of firearms or artillery: heard the fire of cannon.
    2. The launching of a missile, rocket, or similar ballistic body.
    3. Discharged bullets or other projectiles: subjected enemy positions to heavy mortar fire; struck by rifle fire.
  5. Intense, repeated attack or criticism: answered the fire from her political critics.

v., fired, fir·ing, fires. v.tr.
    1. To cause to burn; ignite.
    2. To light (something) up as if by fire: The morning sun fired the tops of the trees.
    1. To add fuel to (something burning).
    2. To maintain or fuel a fire in.
    3. To start (a fuel-burning engine). Often used with up.
    1. To bake in a kiln: fire pottery.
    2. To dry by heating.
  1. To arouse the emotions of; make enthusiastic or ardent. Often used with up: warriors who were fired by patriotism.
    1. To discharge (a firearm, for example).
    2. To detonate (an explosive).
    1. To propel (a projectile); launch (a missile).
    2. Informal. To throw with force and speed; hurl: fire a ball at a batter.
    3. To utter or direct with insistence: fired questions at the senator.
  2. Games. To score (a number) in a game or contest.
  3. To discharge from a position; dismiss. See synonyms at dismiss.
  1. To become ignited; flame up.
    1. To become excited or ardent.
    2. To become angry or annoyed.
  2. To tend a fire.
    1. To shoot a weapon: aimed and fired at the target.
    2. To detonate an explosive.
    3. To ignite fuel, as in an engine.
  3. Informal. To project or hurl a missile: The pitcher wound up and fired.
  4. Physiology. To generate an electrical impulse. Used of a neuron.
  5. To become yellowed or brown before reaching maturity, as grain.
phrasal verbs:
fire away Informal.
  1. To start to talk or ask questions.
fire off
  1. To utter or ask rapidly.
  2. To write and send (a letter, for example) in haste.
between two fires
  1. Being attacked from two sources or sides simultaneously.
on fire
  1. Ignited; ablaze.
  2. Filled with enthusiasm or excitement.
start (or light build) a fire under Slang.
  1. To urge or goad to action.
under fire
  1. Exposed or subjected to enemy attack.
  2. Exposed or subjected to critical attack or censure: an official who was under fire for mismanagement.
[Middle English fir, from Old English fȳr.]
fireable fire'a·ble adj.
firer fir'er n.

1 [U]火, 炎;[C](暖)炉で燃える火, 炭火, たき火;(料理用レンジの)火;((英))ストーブ, (ガス・電気などの)暖房器具
a bright [a blazing] fire
build [make] a fire
light [kindle] a fire
feed the fire with fuel
Light the fire with a match.
Take the pan off the fire.
2 [C][U]火事, 火災
fire prevention
a forest fire
fight a fire
put out a fire
A fire broke out in my neighborhood.
3 [U][C](銃砲の)発射, 射撃;砲火;(質問・非難・抗議などを)しつこく浴びせること, 叱責
covering [friendly] fire
a ceaseless fire of criticisms
open [cease] fire on ...
return (a person's) fire
Open fire!
撃ち方, 始め.
4 火のような輝き, 光輝;輝く様子;(宝石などの)輝き;((詩))星
eyes full of fire
The jewels gave off a cool fire.
5 [U]燃えるような情熱, 激情;熱意;興奮, 激怒
a speech lacking fire
reserve one's fire
6 [U]激しい想像力, 空想;霊感.
7 [U](病気による)発熱, 炎症.
8 [C][U]きびしい試練, 苦難;((the 〜))火刑, 火責め.
9 (アルコールを飲んだときの)効き目, ほてり.
10 [C][U]火花, 閃光(せんこう)(spark);((古))電光, 稲妻;雷電.
an open fire
be tested by fire
火によって試される, 修羅場をくぐる.
between two fires
両方から(砲火・非難の)攻撃を受けて, 板ばさみになって.
catch (on) fire
(1) 火がつく, 燃えだす.
(2) 熱狂的な支持を得る.
(3) 非常にうまくいく, 大成功する.
draw (a person's) fire
fight fire with fire
相手をやっつけるのに相手と同じ方法を用いる, 目には目をもって報いる.
fire and brimstone
fire and the sword
兵火と殺戮(さつりく), 戦禍.
fire in one's belly
野心, 熱意.
go through fire (and water)
((古風))(…のために)水火も辞さない, あらゆる危険を冒す((for ...)).
hang fire
(1) 〈銃砲が〉発射が遅れる, 発火しない.
(2) 決断がつかない, ぐずぐずする;〈事業などが〉延び延びになる.
hold (one's) fire
(1) 射撃をやめる.
(2) 意見[行動]を差し控える.
lay a fire
火をたく用意をする, 薪を積む.
line of fire
火線, 弾丸の飛んでくる筋道, 弾筋
be in the (direct) line of fire
miss fire
(1) 〈銃砲などが〉発火[発射]しない, 不発に終わる.
(2) 功を奏しない, 不成功に終わる, 失敗する.
on fire
(1) 火事になって, 燃えて.
(2) ((文))〈体の一部が〉痛む, ひりひりする.
(3) 熱心になって, 躍起になって
be on fire with an ideal
on the fire
準備中で, とりかかっているところで.
play with fire
pull ... out of the fire
set fire to .../set ... on fire
(1) …に(過失・故意で)火をつける, 放火する.
(2) …を興奮させる, 激させる.
start [build, light] a fire under person
((米話))〈その気のない人を〉たきつける, に圧力をかける.
strike fire
(1) (火打ち石を)打って火を出す((from ...)).
(2) 感銘を与える, 感動させる.
take fire
(1) 火がつく, 燃えつく.
(2) 興奮する, 熱狂する.
under fire
(1) (…から)砲火を浴びて, 攻撃されて((from ...)).
(2) (…から)非難[批判]を受けて((from ...))
come under fire
Where's the fire?
1III[名]([副])] 〈銃砲・ミサイル・ロケットなどを〉発射する;〈銃弾などを〉(…めがけて)撃つ, 発砲する((at ...));〈質問・非難などを〉(…に)浴びせかける((at ...));((略式))〈石などを〉(…めがけて)投げ(つけ)る, ぶつける((at ...))
fire a pistol at the target
She was firing questions at the politician.
2III[名]([副])]((主に米))〈人を〉(…から)解雇する, 首にする(((英))sack)((from ...))
be fired from one's job
You're fired.
3III[名]([副])]〈感情を〉燃え立たせる, あおる;…を感激[興奮]させる((up));…を奮い立たせる, 鼓舞する;〈人を〉(感情で)燃え立たせる((with ...))
fire the imagination of a poet
His speech fired us with enthusiasm.
4 …を火にかける, 熱する;〈れんがなどを〉焼く;…をゆっくり熱する;〈茶・タバコの葉を〉いる, ほうじる.
5 〈機械に〉(燃料を)くべる((with ...));火を入れる;…の火の番をする.
6 …に火をつける, 点火する, を燃やす.
7 …を(燃えるように)明るく輝かせる, 光らせる.
8 〈地雷などを〉爆発させる, 〈鉱床などを〉爆破する.
1I([副])](…めがけて)射撃する, 銃を撃つ, 発砲する((at, on, upon, into ...))
The terrorists were firing into the crowd.
2 〈銃砲が〉火を噴く, 発射する;〈エンジンが〉点火する
The gun fired.
3 (弾丸・ロケット・矢などを)発射する.
4 火がつく, 燃えつく[だす];〈瀬戸物などが〉焼ける.
5 燃えるように輝く, 赤く燃える;興奮する, 激する, 躍起になる.
6 〈脳細胞が〉信号を発する.
7 ((米))〈植物の葉が〉早枯れして黄色くなる.
fire away
(1) どしどしやる;どんどん話[質問]を続ける;((命令文))((話))質問をどうぞ.
(2) 始める.
(3) (…めがけて)銃を撃ち続ける((at ...)).
[fire ... away/fire away ...]
(1) ((略式))〈質問などを〉始める, 〈仕事に〉取りかかる.
(2) 〈弾丸などを〉撃ち続ける.
fire back ...
fire ... off/fire off ...
(1) 〈弾丸・ロケットなどを〉発射する;…を撃ち尽くす.
(2) 〈質問・言葉などを〉放つ, 浴びせる.
(3) 〈メモなどを〉(人に)さっと渡す((to ...)).
fire up
(1) (かまどなどに)火をたきつける.
(2) ((略式))憤激する, かっとなる.
[fire ... up/fire up ...]
(1) …を持ち上げる.
(2) 〈機械などを〉始動させる;〈コンピュータの〉スイッチを入れる.
(3) ⇒(他)3


brím • stòne
1 [U]((古))硫黄(sulfur)
fire and brimstone
2 《昆虫》ヤマキチョウ(brimstone butterfly).


Line breaks: ex¦ist|ence
Pronunciation: /ɪɡˈzɪst(ə)ns, ɛɡ-/NOUN

1The fact or state of living or having objective reality:the organization has been in existence for fifteen years
1.2[COUNT NOUN] A way of living:our stressed-out urban existence
1.3[COUNT NOUN] (In certain beliefs) any of a person’ssuccessive earthly lives:a person may be reaping the consequences ofevil deeds sown in previous existences
1.4All that exists:he believed in the essential unity of all existence
1.5[COUNT NOUN] archaic Something that exists; abeing.


late middle english: from Old French, or from late Latinexistentia, from Latin exsistere 'come into being', fromex- 'out' + sistere 'take a stand'.


Line breaks: ex¦ist|en¦tial
Pronunciation: /ˌɛɡzɪˈstɛnʃ(ə)l/


1.2Logic (Of a propositionaffirming or implying theexistence of a thing.


late 17th century: from late Latin existentialis, fromexistentia (see existence).
