A new miniseries dramatises a key battle in the culture wars—and shows why feminists lost
An upcoming UC Berkeley summer institute for K-12 teachers aims to help them help their students make sense of the world — and of some of today’s hot-button issues, such as African American history, LGBT rights and immigration reform.
Jamie Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, touched on another hot-button issue while here at the conference. In an interview with CNBC, he sought to counter the popular impression that banks are refusing to lend. He said his bank had loaned out $150 billion in the last 90 days.
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TV Sales Becoming Litmus Test for U.S. Economy
The television market offers a glimpse of the broader tensions between cautious consumers and desperate retailers.
Copy is of course a hot-button word in the study of Chinese painting. Until recently the prevailing Western attitude toward Chinese painting was that it was static and derivative, a reaction based at least in part on the reverence its artists had for the past, their faith in learning by copying and their tributes to long-dead artists and works “in the style of.” That characterization is seriously challenged here.
例 •• 亞洲華爾街日報 經濟脈搏
Safety Supplants Quotas As Hot-Button Trade Issue
"Heavily politicized issues are often called "hot button issues" because almost any position taken is sure to please one group of people and offend another. Politically active people and organizations will often employ a 'litmus test' to evaluate a candidate. For example, a candidate for political office who shares the same view on abortion as a political organization may receive their endorsement regardless of the candidates views on other subjects."
The hot-button issue of executive compensation is in the spotlight again. In "If This Won't Kill the Bonus, What Will?", Andrew Ross Sorkin writes about Wall Street's pay system and how the risk-reward equation might change -- or not.
OSAKA—Sharp Corp.'s new production complex in western Japan is massive by any measure: It cost $11 billion to build and covers enough land to occupy 32 baseball stadiums. But it carries a meaning as large as its physical size. It's a litmus test for the future of Japanese high-tech manufacturing.
The facility, considered the most expensive manufacturing site ever built in Japan, started churning out liquid-crystal display panels last month, and Sharp's new flagship televisions featuring the energy-efficient LCD panels go on sale in the U.S. next month. Sharp moved forward the factory's planned opening by six months, saying the new plant would help it be more competitive.
HKFP_Voices: "The gala in 2016, which is the year of the monkey, was arguably the most politicized in the show's history, and is now facing unprecedented criticism from the public," - Patrick Wong, Global Voices.
Culture war is the cultural conflict between social groups and the struggle for dominance of their values, beliefs, and practices. It commonly refers to the hot button topics on which there is general societal disagreement and polarization in societal values is seen.
hot button 還有另外一意思:新產品的特性在市場上很有賣相
hot-button a. 興奮させる, 大変な事態を起こす.
抓住顧客深層心理的進步(但是簡單的)絕招,讓你可以掌握客人的「熱鈕」(hot buttons),隨心所欲的挑動他們的欲望。
hot button
n. Slang.
Something that elicits a strong emotional response or reaction: an issue that became a hot button among younger voters.
litmus test noun [C usually singular]
someone's decision or opinion about something which suggests what they think about a wider range of related things:
The President's policy on abortion is regarded as a litmus test of his views on women's rights.diary
- 発音記号[dáiəri]
[名](複 -ries)
1 日記, 日誌
keep a diary
write in one's diary
2 日記帳;((英))(約束などをメモする)手帳[卓上]日記(((米))calendar).
[ラテン語diārium(diēs日+-ARY). △DIAL]
