2020年5月11日 星期一

positively perky, next to, have the worst behind it

Share prices of China's big three airlines remain about 25% below the level in January. But that is positively perky next to rivals elsewhere

Domestic flights in China are regaining lost ground
The aviation industry in China may have the worst behind it

A host of wonderfully lumpy animals includes a swaybacked cow, a slinky cat, a perky horse and a perturbed elephant. Calder challenged himself by modeling in fast-drying plaster rather than wax; the pieces are all so emphatically squeezed, prodded and gouged that they seem to be nothing but surface, to have no interior volumes.

perk up (IMPROVE) phrasal verb INFORMAL
to improve or become more exciting:
Share prices perked up slightly before the close of trading.
perk up:慣用語,變得生氣勃勃。例句:The plants perked up nicely after a bit of water.(這植物在澆了一點水後恢復生氣。)

happy and full of energy:
You look very perky this morning.

perkily Show phonetics
"Does anyone want to come out jogging with me?" he said perkily.

perkiness noun [U]


  1. To stick up or jut out: dogs' ears that perk.
  2. To carry oneself in a lively and jaunty manner.
To cause to stick up quickly: The dog perked its ears at the noise.


phrasal verb:perk up
  1. To regain or cause to regain one's good spirits or liveliness.
  2. To refresh the appearance of: New furniture and paint perked up the room.
ˈnext to ●●● S3 W3 preposition    1 very close to someone or something, with no other person, building, place etc in between There was a little girl sitting next to him.2  next to nothing3 used to give a list of things you like, hate etc in order to say what is first on the list Next to soccer, I like playing tennis best.4 in comparison with someone or something Next to her, I’m a very poor cook.5  next to impossible/useless etc
