Pruitt’s History: Fancy Homes, Lobbyists and a Shell Company
The E.P.A. chief is under scrutiny for high spending and interactions with lobbyists. Many of the pitfalls he has encountered in Washington have echoes in his past.
American hospitals desperate for nurses are shelling out big for new recruits, with some offering five-figure signing bonuses and other perks
How many workers does it take to change a light bulb? Not as many as it used to. And that is what's making the difference in getting companies like Wal-Mart and Caesars to shell out for advanced new lights.
With activist directors driving up the price, Sanofi-Aventis could find itself shelling out at least $80 a share, or $21.3 billion, to acquire genetic-disease drugmaker Genzyme, Bloomberg News reported.
Go to Article from Bloomberg News via BusinessWeek»
When Rupert Murdoch shelled out $5 billion to win Dow Jones & Company, media analysts believed News Corporation had overpaid. The company's most recent results indicate they may not have been wrong.
Go to Article from The New York Times»
General Motors Corp., Ford Motor Co. and Chrysler LLC, the Big Three automobile makers that have guided the U.S. automobile culture, are facing an unprecedented crisis. These symbols of a robust American economy and free-market competition are now begging the U.S. taxpayer to shell out the equivalent of more than 3 trillion yen to bail them out.
The White House says it doesn't think companies will accept federal bailout money if the cash comes with restrictions, such as limits on executive pay. In order to get around the strings put in place by Congress, the White House is planning to distribute bailout money to shell companies, who will then hand it over to the intended recipients. The paper says most members of Congress had no idea this was happening, although it doesn't look like there's much lawmakers could have done about the situation in any case. Some legal experts are convinced, however, that these financial end-runs won't hold up in court.
shell company
- 抜け殻会社{ぬけがら がいしゃ}、ペーパーカンパニー、幽霊会社{ゆうれい がいしゃ}、架空会社{かくう がいしゃ}、ダミー会社{がいしゃ}◆合法的に設立されているが活動を全く行っていない会社。
A company or corporation with few or no assets or independent operations that is acquired by another company in order to allow the acquiring company to conduct business under the acquired company's legitimate legal standing.
- 自動 殻[莢]から出る、はがれる
- 他動
- 1. 〜の殻[莢]をはぐ、〜を殻から取り出す、脱穀{だっこく}する
- 2. 〜を砲撃{ほうげき}する
- 名
- 1. 貝殻{かいがら}◆ハマグリ、シジミなど「ふた」が閉まる形の貝(二枚貝)の殻について、日本語では全体を「1個」の貝殻と呼ぶこともできるが、英語では上下の「ふた」それぞれが a shell で、1個の貝が two shells を持つ。
- 2. 〔カニ・エビ・昆虫などの〕殻、甲羅{こうら}
- 3. 卵の殻、卵殻{らんかく}
- 4. 《コ》シェル◆ユーザからのコマンド入力を受け付け、解釈するプログラム。
- 5. 弾丸{だんがん}、砲弾{ほうだん}、破裂弾{はれつ だん}、薬きょう
・When the shell explodes, it showers out fragments. 砲弾が爆発すると、破片が飛び散って降り注ぐ。 - 6. 外耳◆貝殻に似ているため。
- 7. 《建築》骨組み{ほねぐみ}、外郭構造{がいかく こうぞう}
- 8. うわべ、外見{がいけん}、見せかけ
- 形 貝殻模様{かいがら もよう}の
to pay or give money for something, usually unwillingly:
Having shelled out fifty pounds for the tickets, I wasn't going to miss the show.
shell out
Pay, hand over, as in We had to shell out $1,000 for auto repairs. This expression transfers taking a seed such as a pea or nut out of its pod or shell to taking money out of one's pocket. [Colloquial; c. 1800]
shell (COVERING)
1 [C or U] the hard outer covering of something, especially nuts, eggs and some animals:
Brazil nuts have very hard shells.
A piece of shell fell into the cake mixture.
the shell of a snail/crab/tortoise
a shell necklace (= a piece of jewellery made out of the shells of small sea animals)
See also eggshell; nutshell; seashell; shellfish.
2 [C] the basic outer structure of a building or vehicle, especially when the inner parts have been destroyed or taken or have not yet been made:
the shell of a burnt-out farmhouse
outer shell (雪)衣等等內襯衣
verb [T]
to remove peas, nuts, etc. from their shells or their natural protective covering
- shell (EXPLOSIVE)
- shell (BOAT)
- shell shock
- shell suit
- shell (sth) out
- come out of your shell
- crawl/go/retreat/retire into your shell

━━ n. 殻, 貝殻, 外皮, さや, (カメの)甲; (建物の)外わく; パイの皮[ころも]; 薬きょう, 破裂弾, 砲弾; 外観; 【物】電子殻; 【コンピュータ】シェル ((入力されたコマンドを解釈して処理を実行するインタープリタのこと)); 軽ボート ((レース用)); 〔米〕 袖なしブラウス[セーター]; 内気な態度, 無口.
bring … out of his shell 人を打ち解けさせる.
come [crawl] out of one's shell うちとける.
draw [go,retire] into one's shell 内気[無口]になる.
━━ v. 殻[さや]から出す, 殻[さや]を取る; (トウモロコシの実を)芯(しん)からとる; むける, はげる, 取れる; 砲撃する.
shell out 〔話〕 (金を)(しぶしぶ)払う; 〔話〕 (Halloweenの日に)(菓子などを)訪れる子供にやる.
shell bean 〔米〕 さやを食べない豆.
shell company [corporation] (脱税や不正資金洗浄のための)ペーパーカンパニー, 幽霊会社.
shell・fire 砲火.
shell・fish 貝; 甲殻動物 ((エビ・カニ)).
shell game 〔米〕 シェルゲーム ((3個のクルミの殻などを素早く動かし, どれに物が隠されているかを当てさせる)); いんちきな賭(か)け事.
shell heap [mound] 貝塚.
shell model 【物】殻模型.
shell・proof ━━ a. 防弾の.
shell script 【コンピュータ】シェル・スクリプト.
shell shock 砲弾ショック ((戦争神経症の一種)).
shell-shocked a. 戦闘神経症の; 疲れ切った.
shell suit シェルスーツ ((内側は綿製,表は防水性ナイロン製のカジュアルウェア)).
shell・work 貝細工.

━━ v. 殻[さや]から出す, 殻[さや]を取る; (トウモロコシの実を)芯(しん)からとる; むける, はげる, 取れる; 砲撃する.

shell-shocked a. 戦闘神経症の; 疲れ切った.
