2008年2月22日 星期五

mortality, morbidity

Reviewed by ALEX BEAM

A “maddeningly alive” father, his tormented son and one highly unusual meditation on mortality.

Afghanistan’s high mortality rates among infants, children and mothers have fallen in recent years, thanks in part to the deployment of trained community health workers to remote provinces. It is unrealistic, however, to expect these workers to remain for extended periods. Because most deaths are caused by preventable illnesses, it is important that written materials are left behind to remind patients of health workers’ oral instructions. Only then can health messages be strengthened and improvements sustained.

mortality Show phonetics
noun [U] FORMAL
1 the way that people do not live forever:
Her death made him more aware of his own mortality.
Compare immortality at immortal.

2 the number of deaths within a particular society and within a particular period of time:
the mortality rate
Infant mortality is much higher in the poorest areas of the city.



mortality 死亡 

mortality curve 死亡曲線,報廢曲線, 壽年曲線,壽命曲線

mortality rate 死亡率

生態學名詞 mortality factor 致死因子 

neonatal mortality rate 新生兒死亡率 

realized mortality 實際死亡率 

specific mortality 特定死亡率 


force of mortality 死亡率;故障率 

infant mortality period 早夭期 

mortality dispersion 死亡離散

mortality table 死亡率表(人壽保險) 

retirement curvemortality curve 壽年曲線 

retirement tablemortality table 報廢表,壽年表 



Mortality may refer to:


(môr-bĭd'ĭ-tē) pronunciationpl. -ties.
  1. The quality of being morbid; morbidness.
  2. The rate of incidence of a disease.
