2022年2月23日 星期三

left, the left, Gawker, mysogyny, over the left

Gawkers: Art and Audience in Late Nineteenth-Century France Bridget Alsdorf

form of sexist ideology is misogyny, the hatred of women. A society in which misogyny is prevalent has high rates of brutality against women—for example, in the forms of domestic violence, rape, and the commodification of women and their bodies.

  1. 1〔限定〕左の,左側の,左方の(⇔right
    • left boot [glove]
    • 靴[手袋]の左側
  2. 1a《数学》左方の
  3. 2〔しばしばL-〕(政治上の)左派の,左翼の
  1. 1U〔通例the [one's] ~〕左,左側,左方
    • to [onone's left
    • (人の)左側に
    • to [onthe left (of ...)
    • (…の)左側に
  2. 1aC《ボクシング》左(のパンチ);《野球》左翼手,レフト
  3. 1bC左回り,左折
  4. 2〔通例the L-;集合的に〕左翼(議員),左派(◆西欧大陸諸国の議会で,議長席から見て左手の席に急進的・社会主義的意見の議員が座ったことから);急進[革新]党員
    • to the left
    • 左寄りの,進歩的な


  1. over the left
    • 逆に言って
    • 完全不是這樣, 正相反

    • turn [goleft
    • 左へ曲がる
    • Eyes left!
    • (号令で)かしら左
    • left and right
    • 左右;あちこちで
    • keep left
    • 左側通行を守る


  1. left, right and center

Definition of the Left

1political groups who favor sharing money and property more equally among the members of a society political groups who support liberal or socialist policiesMembers of the Left have voiced their opinion on the matter before Congress.
2the left the position of people who support the liberal beliefs and policies of the political LeftThe party has shifted to the left.

A gawker is a person who stares openly at someone or something. After a bad car accident on the highway, gawkers often slow down for a look. To gawk is to gape, stare, or rubberneck without trying to hide the fact that you're doing it. A gawker is someone who does this.
