2022年2月3日 星期四

cry, decry, outcry, party kingmaker, the party is over, clamor, screen, mainland, Philly, supersize,

Most U.S. tech salaries jump, but the party is over for machine learning and AI

AI and Machine Learning Salaries Drop
Overall, 2021 was a good year for tech professionals in the U.S., with the a
 Disruptions: At CES, a Big Stage for Big Dreams but Fewer Surprises


In some ways, this year's International CES, the technology trade show, was a far cry from the shows of old.

New Laws and Rising Costs Create a Surge of Supersizing Hospitals


After holding steady through much of the 2000s, deal-making has picked up in health care, raising concerns about the power of large hospital systems.

A Magazine Article on Race Sets Off an Outcry

Philadelphia Magazine’s “Being White in Philly” provoked angry comments, as well as a bump in sales.

Okinawans decry discrimination by mainland Japanese
Haruka Higa tapped a mounting sense of frustration among Okinawans that mainland Japanese are discriminating against them when she likened them to pigs in a play.
‘The Scream’ Auctioned for a Record $119.9 Million
A version of Edvard Munch’s “The Scream,” one of the most recognizable images in art history, sold at Sotheby’s for the most ever paid for artwork at auction.

Go big or stay home. Directors and studio executives are clamoring to have their summer blockbusters released on supersize screens, reviving a technology that was once a mainstay of science museums.

China Imposes Media Blackout in Wake of Rail Accident

But the move does little to quell the public outcry over the government's handling of the crash.

European Bankers Decry FSA's Plans
Bankers hit back at proposals from the U.K. Financial Services Authority to force systemically important banks to hold more capital.

In their new book, Marketing Metaphoria, Gerald and Lindsay Zaltman suggest some answers to the questions. In decrying the lack of what they call "deep thinking" among managers and especially those responsible for marketing, they suggest some things that get in its way.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe used his full clout as the ruling party kingmaker to push supersize stimulus measures.



  • larger than average or standard sizes; extremely large.


[with object] (often as adjective supersized)
greatly increase the size of:supersized suitcases on wheels


Phil • ly
1 ((米俗))Philadelphiaの異名.
2 ((the Phillies))フィラデルフィア・フィリーズ:米国大リーグの球団.
3 米国のクリームチーズPhiladelphiaの愛称.

(geography) A continuous body of land that constitutes the main part of a country or continent.


  • レベル:大学入試程度
[名] 〔méinlnd | -lnd〕 ((通例the 〜))(付近の島・半島と区別して)本土;大陸.

n., pl., -cries.
  1. A loud cry or clamor.
  2. A strong protest or objection: public outcry over the rise in prices.

decry Show phonetics
verb [T] FORMAL
to criticize something as bad, worthless or unnecessary; to condemn:
She decried the appalling state of the British film industry.

tr.v., -cried, -cry·ing, -cries.
  1. To condemn openly.
  2. To depreciate (currency, for example) by official proclamation or by rumor.
[French décrier, from Old French descrier : des-, de- + crier, to cry; see cry.]
decrier de·cri'er n.
SYNONYMS decry, disparage, depreciate, derogate, belittle, minimize, downgrade. These verbs mean to think, write, or speak of as being of little value or importance. Decry implies open denunciation or condemnation: A staunch materialist, he decries economy. Disparage often implies the communication of a low opinion by indirection: Many critics disparage psychoanalysis as being a pseudoscience. To depreciate is to assign a lower than customary value to someone or something: Some musicologists depreciate Liszt's compositions. Derogate implies a detraction that impairs: People often derogate what they don't understand. Belittle and minimize mean to make less important, but minimize strongly implies the minimum level: He belittled the child's attempts to draw. She tried to minimize my accomplishment. To downgrade is to minimize in importance or estimation: Her rival downgraded the painting, calling it decorative but superficial.


Pronunciation: /krʌɪ/
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verb (cries, crying, cried)

[no object]
  • 1shed tears in distress, pain, or sorrow:don’t cry—it’ll be all right [with object]:you’ll cry tears of joy
  • 2shout or scream in fear, pain, or grief:the little girl fell down and cried for mummy
  • [with direct speech] say something loudly in an excited or anguished tone of voice:‘Where will it end?’ he cried out
  • [with object] (of a hawker) proclaim (wares) for sale in the street.
  • 3(of a bird or other animal) make a loud characteristic call:the wild birds cried out over the water

noun (plural cries)

  • 1a loud inarticulate shout or scream expressing a powerful feeling or emotion:a cry of despair
  • a loud excited utterance of a word or words:there was a cry of ‘Silence!’
  • the call of a hawker selling wares on the street: street cries
  • an urgent appeal or entreaty:fund-raisers have issued a cry for help
  • a demand or opinion expressed by many people:peace became the popular cry
  • 2the loud characteristic call of a bird or other animal: the harsh cries of magpies
  • 3a spell of shedding tears:I still have a cry, sometimes, when I realize that my mother is dead


cry one's eyes (or heart) out

weep bitterly and at length: I cried my eyes out when he fired me

cry for the moon

ask for what is unattainable or impossible: there must be no more self-pity, no more time wasted on crying for the moon

cry foul

protest strongly about a real or imagined wrong or injustice: deprived of the crushing victory it was confidently expecting, the party cried foul

cry from the heart

a passionate and honest appeal or protest.

cry stinking fish

British disparage one’s own efforts or products: those in racing should go forward together and stop crying stinking fish

cry wolf

see wolf.

for crying out loud

informal used to express one’s irritation or impatience:why do you have to take everything so personally, for crying out loud?

in full cry

(of hounds) baying in keen pursuit: the fox broke and the hounds followed in full cry
expressing an opinion loudly and forcefully:the prime minister was in full cry with warnings against the plots of the Americans

it's no use crying over spilt milk

see milk.

Phrasal Verbs

cry off

British informal go back on a promise or fail to keep to an arrangement:we were going to Spain together and he cried off at the last moment

cry out for

demand as a self-evident requirement or solution:the scheme cries out for reform

cry someone/thing up (or down)

dated praise (or disparage) someone or something:when one of them does something wrong, they cry down the lot


Middle English (in the sense 'ask for earnestly or loudly'): from Old French crier (verb), cri (noun), from Latin quiritare 'raise a public outcry', literally 'call on the Quirites (Roman citizens) for help'
[動](cried, 〜・ing)(自)[I([副])]
1 〈人が〉(通例涙を流しながら)叫び声をあげる, 叫ぶ, 泣く, 嘆く. ⇒SOB(自)1
cry for milk
cry with [in] pain
cry with [for] joy
cry into one's pillow
cry over [about] one's misfortunes
Don't cry before you are hurt.
2 〈人が〉(…を求めて)(大声で)呼ぶ;叫ぶ, どなる, わめく((out/for ...))
cry out against the war
cry to Heaven for help
He cried (out) to me to stop.
3 〈鳥・獣が〉鳴く, 鳴き叫ぶ;〈犬が〉ほえる.
4 〈ブリキなどが〉(曲げられて)音を立てる.
They cried (out) that they were ready.
2 ((〜 -self))泣いて(…)する, 泣いて(…に)なる;〈涙を〉流す
cry oneself blind
cry oneself to sleep
cry salt tears
3 ((文))〈知らせなどを〉(大声で)触れ回る, 布告する;〈商品を〉呼び売りする
cry the news
cry one's wares
4 …を嘆願する, 懇願[哀願]する.
cry ... down / cry down ...
((略式))…をけなす, くさす, あなどる(⇔cry up).
cry off
(1) ((英))(契約・計画などから)手を引く((from ...)).
[cry off doing ...]
cry out
(1) ⇒(自)2
(2) (…に)大声で文句を言う, 強く抗議する((against ...)).
(3) (…を)(大いに)必要とする((for ..., to do))
Several problems cry out for immediate solution.
[cry ... out/ cry out ...]
(1) ⇒(他)1
(2) ((be cried outで))((俗))疲れきる[きっている], へとへとだ.
cry ... up/cry up ...
((略式))((通例受身))…をほめそやす, ほめちぎる(⇔cry down).
for crying out loud
(1) ((命令・要求・要請を強めて))頼むから, お願いだから.
(2) ((強いいらだち))そんなばかな;一体全体.
give a person something to cry about
This will give him something to cry about.
1 (苦痛・怒り・喜びなどの)叫び((of ...));叫び声, 大声
a cry of alarm
a cry for help
out of cry
within cry of ...
give [raise, let out] a startled cry
びっくりして叫び声をあげる, あっと叫ぶ.
2 泣き叫び;泣き声
have a long cry
have one's cry out
3 (鳥・獣の)鳴き声;《キツネ狩り》猟犬の一群;猟犬のほえ声.
4 嘆願, 哀願
a cry from prison
be deaf to a person's cries
(1) ときの声;(政治・政党の)スローガン, 標語
an election cry
raise the cry against ...
(2) ((古風))呼び売りの声, ふれ声.
6 風評, うわさ;(…という)世論((for ..., to do))
a cry for reform
7 (ブリキなどを曲げて出る)金属音.
be a far [a long] cry from ...
(1) …から遠距離である.
(2) …からほど遠い.
in full cry
(1) 大声を張り上げて.
(2) 〈猟犬が〉激しく吠えたてて.
(3) 総がかりで, いっせいに.
(4) 熱弁をふるって.
[古フランス語←ラテン語quirītāre(援助を求めて叫ぶ). Quirīsとはローマ市民のことで, 原義は「ローマ市民に援助を求めて叫ぶ」]
More Protests on Wall Street Protesters continued their march on Wall Street Monday, taking to Manhattan's financial district to decry an economic system they claim benefits the rich at the expense of the poor. Six were arrested.


  • レベル:社会人必須
  • 発音記号[klǽmər]
[名][U]((またa 〜))
1 (要求・抗議・不満などの)熱烈な叫び, わめき, 怒号
the clamor against foreign intervention
2 (群衆などの)大きな叫び, どよめき.
3 (楽器・瀑布(ばくふ)・あらし・交通などの)大きな騒音, 騒々しい音;(鳥獣の)騒がしい鳴き声
a clamor of bells
━━[動](自)(賛否を)叫ぶ, 騒ぎ立てる((for, against ...));[II to do](…するよう)やかましく要求する
clamor for higher wages
clamor against the government's policy
The soldiers were clamoring to go home.
1 〈人に〉やかましく言って(…)させる((into ...));うるさく騒いで〈人を〉(…から)追い出す((out of ...))
The conservatives clamored the radicals out of office.
2III[名]/that節]〈演説者に〉どなる;…をやかましく言い立てる, 〈…と〉うるさく言う
clamor one's demands
The audience clamored that he should stop speaking.
[ラテン語clāmāre(叫ぶ)+-OR1=叫んでいる状態. △CLAIM
