2022年2月10日 星期四

a yearbook, an annual, a handbook, National Archives, document handling

The probe comes after the National Archives retrieved 15 boxes of White House documents from one of Trump’s residences.

David 告訴我, DR. Deming 的 Out of the Crisis一書,已有電子書版.....

我和David Hsu一直很注意第6版的Juran Quality Handbook----
Juran Quality Handbook----然而我們或許興趣偏移了,所以它在20105月出版第6版

Juran's Quality Handbook: The Complete Guide to Performance


Quality Yearbook

Statistical Yearbook

A unique global reference book

我和David Hsu一直很注意第6版的Juran Quality Handbook----然而我們或許興趣偏移了,所以它在20105月出版,我們竟然不知道。

Quality Yearbook

Statistical Yearbook

A unique global reference book

Compiling figures on production, acreage and trade movements is a gigantic task, especially since some countries do not keep meticulous records of these figures. Even so, the AIPH still manages to publish a comprehensive handbook each year, containing statistics from all affiliated countries.
The book is packed with tables, diagrams and surveys, classified according to country, plant, market and consumption, and as such is a useful reference book for organizations, policy makers, marketeers, producers and traders. In colletions of libraries, universities and schools it should be accessible for research workers and students.

A yearbook, also known as an annual, is a book to record, highlight, and commemorate the past year of a school or a book published annually. Virtually all American, Australian and Canadian high schools, most colleges and many elementary and middle schools publish yearbooks. The term may also refer to a book of statistics or facts published annually.
