(d) In foreign countries Communists will, as a rule, work toward destruction of all forms of personal independence, economic, political or moral. Their system can handle only individuals who have been brought into complete dependence on higher power. Thus, persons who are financially independent--such as individual businessmen, estate owners, successful farmers, artisans and all those who exercise local leadership or have local prestige, such as popular local clergymen or political figures, are anathema. It is not by chance that even in USSR local officials are kept constantly on move from one job to another, to prevent their taking root.
One of the biggest US ports will start operating 24 hours a day to try to clear long queues of cargo ships stuck waiting outside.
Is there any advice you’d want to give to world leaders right now?
Yes. There was a doctor who had been in the frontlines during SARS, and he was asked, “What needs to happen now?” He responded, “Let’s hope we can be forever changed.” We are now dealing with coronavirus, and let’s hope we can be forever changed by this, and make certain we are prepared so that the needless and preventable death and suffering of so many people doesn’t have to recur.
Working around the clock is a sign you're incapable of delegating, not a superhero
A cult of extreme physical endurance is taking root among executives
This approach brings out little-known aspects of his art that turn out to be remarkably topical and immediate. Images become symbols, words turn into images, objects act as signs and reflections become objects: these recurring phenomena are like visual syllables repeated all through his œuvre, from the late 1920s to the early 1980s.
Google may be on its way out as the dominant
player in search, according to one analyst — and could even "disappear"
in as little as five to eight years if the competitive pressures that
ultimately claimed other search giants start to take root.
Christmas Gifts May Help E-Books Take Root
Publishers are predicting that digital sales will grow rapidly as e-readers given as gifts are activated.
take root
Become established or fixed, as in We're not sure how the movement took root, but it did so very rapidly. This idiom transfers the establishment of a plant, whose roots settle into the earth, to other matters. [Late 1500s]
take root
1. Lit. [for a plant] to develop roots in soil or some other growing medium. The new plants should take root in a few weeks and startgrowing.
2. Fig. to begin to take hold or have effect. Things will begin to change when my new policies take root. My ideas began to take rootand influence other people.
- 発音記号[rikə'ːr]
[動](〜red, 〜・ring)(自)
2 [recur to A]
(1) 〈考え・記憶などが〉〈A(心)に〉再び浮かぶ, 思い出される.
(2) 〈人が〉〈A(行動・考えなど)に〉戻る, 立ち返る
(1) 〈考え・記憶などが〉〈A(心)に〉再び浮かぶ, 思い出される.
(2) 〈人が〉〈A(行動・考えなど)に〉戻る, 立ち返る
[ラテン語recurrere (re-後ろへ+currere走る=戻る). △CURRENT]
- 発音記号[kə'ːrənt | kʌ'r-]
1 今の, 現時の, 新しい, 最新の;当世[現代]風の, はやりの
current English
the current generation gap
2 一般に知られて[行われて]いる;〈情報が〉流布している;〈慣行が〉通例となっている, 習慣的な;〈貨幣が〉流通している(circulating)
current funds
3 その時の.
1 (川などの)流れ, 流動;流れの速さ.
4 ((通例the [a] 〜))(時・事件などの)流れ, 成り行き;(時代・社会などの)一般的傾向, 趨勢(すうせい);風潮
[ラテン語current(currere流れる+-ent現在分詞語尾=流れている→現時の). △CURRICULUM]