2022年10月14日 星期五

usufruct, "usufacture", usufructuary, agrarian. politicisation.politicization

Opinion  Covid-19 vaccines Tragic fallout from the politicisation of science in the US Many countries had partisan divides on Covid vaccination, but they were more lethal in the US than anywhere else JOHN BURN-MURDOCHAdd to myFT  

usufruct, "usufacture", usufructuary, agrarian

Eliminating life terms for justices is questionable as a solution to the purportedly novel problem of judicial politicisation. But there are other good reasons to wish for a court where no one stays on for three or four decades. At the founding, Thomas Jefferson suggested that since the “earth belongs usufruct to the living”, America ought to have a constitutional convention every 20 years to scrap the old document or subject it to revisions.

Such tightly composed, inward-looking structures contrast with the free-flowing spaces that we tend to associate with Wright’s fantasy of a democratic, agrarian society.

為自己使用而製造稱為USUFACTURE,為他人使用(分配)而製造稱為MANUFACTURE (People first practiced usufacture: making items for their own use. Later this practice evolved into manufacture: making things for other people to use.)
The most primitive industry he calls "usufacture"...This "usufacture," of course, continued, and artisans remained an important part of agrarian organization for cen- turies to come. ...

  1. the action of causing an activity or event to become political in character.
    "the politicization of the internet"
    • the process of becoming or being made politically aware.
      "the creeping politicization of top scientists"

WordNet: usufructuary
The noun has one meaning:
Meaning #1: someone who holds property by usufruct

The adjective usufructuary has one meaning:
Meaning #1: of or relating to the nature of a usufruct
Pertains to noun: usufruct (meaning #1)

Word Tutor: usufructuary

IN BRIEF: n. - Someone who holds property by the legal right of using and enjoying the fruits or profits of something belonging to another.


━━ n. 【法】使用権, 用益権.

A legal term describing a situation wherein a person or company has a temporary right to use and derive income from someone else's property (provided that it isn't damaged).
Investopedia Says:
Usufruct is recognized only in a few jurisdictions in North America.

━━ a. 土地[耕地]の; 土地所有者の; 農民のための.
━━ n. 農地改革論者.
 agrarian reform 農地改革.


  • 農業{のうぎょう}の、農地{のうち}の、土地{とち}の、土地{とち}の所有権{しょゆうけん}の、農村生活{のうそん せいかつ}の、農民{のうみん}の、野生{やせい}


  • agrarian basis
  • 農村的基礎{のうそんてき きそ}
  • agrarian bloc
  • 農業{のうぎょう}地域{ちいき}ブロック
  • agrarian change
  • 農業{のうぎょう}改革{かいかく}変化{へんか}
  • agrarian civilisation
  • agrarian civilizationより転送
    農耕文明{のうこう ぶんめい}
  • agrarian civilization
  • 農耕文明{のうこう ぶんめい}
