2023年4月6日 星期四

prank, prank video, prankish, impish, potshot, puckish, lowly, prank call, new perspective on life, make a life

2 diners arrested over prank video at Yoshinoya beef bowl restaurant
2 diners arrested over prank video at Yoshinoya beef bowl restaurant
2 diners arrested over prank video at Yoshinoya beef bowl restaurant
Two men have been arrested for allegedly harming the business of Japanese beef bowl chain Yoshinoya Co. with a video of one of them eating directly from a container of toppings meant for all customers, according to Osaka police






President Donald Trump’s lawyer and the former mayor of New York City was pranked by Sacha Baron Cohen and caught in a questionable situation on camera with an actress in the new "Borat" sequel streaming Friday on Amazon Prime.

Oliver Cromwell—who was born on April 25th 1599—was a walking paradox, neither as austere nor as principled as portrayed in most textbooks. His behaviour was marked by an oddly prankish streak and outbursts of genuine jollity

Ellison Stirs the Pot Over H-P Deal
Oracle CEO Ellison's verbal potshots tweaking rival H-P's purchase of Autonomy Corp. reached a new level this week.

The new forum merely tweaks the Strategic Economic Dialogue launched by President Bush in 2006 which was led on the American side by the treasury secretary. It also absorbs a security-focused forum called the Senior Dialogue which began in 2005.
A Dirty Pun Tweaks China’s Online Censors By MICHAEL WINES
Meant as an impish protest, the craze over a mythical beast raises questions about China’s Internet censorship.

Vladimir Putin and Elton John don't see eye to eye over gay rights - especially as the Putin Sir Elton was talking to turned out to be a hoaxer. But prank calls have been around a long time...
📻 http://bbc.in/1QMgo03

Can a Tree Grow in the Bronx?


A Neighborhood Parks Alliance is one simple way for more New Yorkers to have decent open space, so that every family, in every community, can make a life in the city.


The Class of 9/11: How a School Prank Helped Change My Life

In the morning before Sept. 11, 2001, became 9/11, Rajiv Srinivasan played the clown in front of his high school class. The rest of the day gave him a new perspective on life

Hackers' Lowly Goal: Pranks
A group calling itself LulzSec is showing that hackers pulling pranks remain a serious annoyance and even a threat in their own right.

One woman, for example, says she talks for hours by phone to her two brothers as well as her two sisters. But the topics differ. She talks to her sisters about their personal lives; with her brothers she discusses history, geography and books. And, she added, one brother calls her at 5 a.m. as a prank.

The adjective prankish has one meaning:
Meaning #1: naughtily or annoyingly playful

Synonyms: impishimplikemischievouspixilatedpuckish


n. A mischievous trick or practical joke.

[Origin unknown.]

prank2 (prăngkpronunciation

To decorate or dress ostentatiously or gaudily.

To make an ostentatious display.

[From Middle English pranken, to show off, perhaps from Middle Dutch pronken (from pronk, show, display) and from Middle Low German prunken (from prank, display).]

n. - 胡鬧, 惡作劇
v. tr. - 打扮, 裝點, 點綴
v. intr. - 打扮得漂漂亮亮, 炫耀自己

Prank call - Wikipedia


prank call is a telephone practical joke. Prank phone calls began to gain a worldwide following since the invention of telephones, as they became a staple of ...

Low is an adjective (a low ceiling) and adverb (to aim low / to lie low). Lowly is an adjective meaning 'humble, modest' (of lowly station); its use as an adverb is now largely confined to poetry.

make a (kind of) life for oneself
to develop and live a particular kind of lifestyle for oneself. She made a good life for herself in New York City, working as a freelancer.

The universe concocts such marvels, which man emulates through art and industry, hoping to best. That was Arcimboldo’s bottom-line goal, and his ambition, so frank and intellectual, gives to his prankish, often grotesque work its stylish hauteur.

The adjective prankish has one meaning:
Meaning #1: naughtily or annoyingly playful
Synonyms: impishimplikemischievouspixilatedpuckish

Low is an adjective (a low ceiling) and adverb (to aim low / to lie low). Lowly is an adjective meaning 'humble, modest' (of lowly station); its use as an adverb is now largely confined to poetry.

verb [T]
1 to pull and twist with a small sudden movement:
Standing in front of the mirror she tweaked a strand of hair into place.

2 to change slightly, especially in order to make more correct, effective, or suitable:
The software is pretty much there - it just needs a little tweaking.
You just need to tweak the last paragraph and then it's done.

noun [C]tr.v., tweaked, tweak·ing, tweaks.
  1. To pinch, pluck, or twist sharply.
  2. To adjust; fine-tune.
  3. To make fun of; tease.
  1. A sharp, twisting pinch.
  2. A teasing remark or action; a joke.
[Probably variant of dialectal twick, from Middle English twikken, from Old English twiccian.]
tweaky tweak'y adj.

━━ n., vt. ひとひねり(する); ぐいと引く(こと); 〔俗〕 【コンピュータ】(機器・プログラムを)微調整する(こと).

puckish (adjective) Naughtily or annoyingly playful.
Synonyms:impish, mischievous, pixilated, prankish, arch, wicked
Usage:My puckish new roommate apparently thought it would be funny to hide my car keys in the teapot.

noun [C]
1 a small evil spirit

2 OFTEN HUMOROUS a badly behaved but playful child:
Come here, you little imp!

showing a child-like pleasure in being playful and making trouble:
At seventy, he still retains his impish grin.

potshot also pot shot (pŏt'shŏt') pronunciation
  1. A random or easy shot.
  2. A criticism made without careful thought and aimed at a handy target for attack: reporters taking potshots at the mayor.
[So called because such a shot is fired by a hunter whose main purpose is to get food for the pot.]
