2023年4月13日 星期四

gathering, fortune (CHANCE), auburn, wheel/ wheel of fortune

《董浩雲的世界》中將趙如蘭教授報告趙元任先生過世的醫院Mount Auburn Hospital is a vibrant regional teaching hospital closely affiliated with the Harvard Medical School. Our caregivers have been valued members of the community for well over a century.
翻譯成 "黃山" ,不知有什麼典故?
C. Y. TUNG,《董浩雲日記》與《董浩雲的世界》

This is one of Rochester Cathedral's artistic treasures, it is called the Wheel of Fortune and dates from the 1200s. Only half of the painting is visible today, the missing half was destroyed at the Reformation during Tudor times.Sep 16, 2021
Boethius's Consolation of Philosophy · Wheel of Fortune in 5 Minutes · BBC TV “Christ is Risen!”: Rochester Cathedral 1997 (Roger Sayer).
YouTube · ATS · Jun 2, 2017

The Birth of a Medical Institution

Mount Auburn Hospital’s history is made up of people who cared about healthcare in this community and stood behind the hospital’s mission to improve the health of the residents of Cambridge and its surrounding towns. Originally founded by Emily Parsons in 1871, the hospital was then known as The Cambridge Hospital. After being forced to close its doors for a time, the hospital reopened at its current location in 1886, after fundraising efforts culminated by Ms. Parsons.

December 10, 2008 -- 2:40 a.m. EST

Economic Woes Threaten Merkel's Future
Germany's gathering recession is becoming a significant threat to the political fortunes of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Characters in Prater Violet

The main character, Isherwood himself, is a moderately successful author of fiction. He is a detailed observer of the filmmaking process and the gathering war. Eventually Isherwood confronts his rather passive role in life with frustration.


    1. The action of one that gathers.
    2. That which is gathered or amassed; a collection or accumulation.
  1. An assembly of persons; a meeting.
  2. The collecting of food that grows wild, such as berries, roots, and grains.
  3. A gather in cloth.
  4. A suppurated swelling; a boil or abscess.

verb [I]
1 When people or animals gather, they come together in a group:
A crowd had gathered to hear her speak.
Gather (a)round, children, and I'll tell you a story.

2 LITERARY to get thicker and closer:
Storm clouds were gathering.

noun [C]
There will be a gathering of world leaders in Vienna next month.
social gathering (= when people meet for pleasure not work)

fortune (CHANCE)
noun [C or U]
1 chance and the way it affects your life:
He had the (good) fortune to train with some of the world's top athletes.
The family's fortunes changed overnight.

2 tell sb's fortune to discover what will happen to someone in the future, for example by looking at the lines on their hands or using a special set of cards

Definition of 'wheel of fortune'

Auburn is a reddish brown color. It is similar to burgundy and maroon, although these two colors have a more reddish tint, whilst auburn has a slightly more brownish one.


(ô'bərn) n. ━━ n., a. 赤褐色(の).
A moderate reddish brown to brown.
[Middle English, from Old French aborne, blond, from Latin alburnus, whitish, from albus, white.]
auburn au'burn adj.
