A VHS Tape of ‘Rocky’ Just Sold for $27,500, Because Why Not
Collectors are finding that their childhood has a price — and it’s going up. When the future is frightening, it’s boom times at the nostalgia factory.


The Greek word for "return" is nostos. Algos means "suffering." So nostalgia is the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return.
(Milan Kundera, Ignorance)

A childhood legend. He gave life to Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch.
Not so in England, at least not all the time. "In many ways, I have been put in exile in this country," he once said. He lived a quiet, even reclusive life in Lyme Regis, in an old Dorset house that overlooked the English Channel. He threw himself into his writing and the natural world, and developed a reputation as a bit of a grouch, a writer who shunned the public eye and did not look kindly on the tendency of readers to track him down and invite him for a drink.
Ang Lee 李安導演 Hulk (2003) 中文 "綠巨人"
With one arm on the back of a chair and the other arm akimbo, the unknown sitter in this portrait oozes a certain confidence. The artist, Bartholomeus van der Helst, has placed the sitter in front of a wall hung with drapery, with a view of the natural world. The glove is traditionally interpreted as an attribute of authority or social standing. Thus the removal of the glove can be seen as a symbol for the surrender of authority or as a sign of love and friendship. Come and recreate this pose in Room 23: https://bit.ly/2Qpre1H
Photographs by Tony Cenicola/The New York Times
Wave, stretch, gesture theatrically or just stand arms akimbo. This spring, the sleeves have it, be they billowing balloons, leg of mutton, lantern or inset with flirty lace.
nostalgia 郷愁?思鄉 (離家不適症)?
Today, we think of nostalgia as a pleasurable state of being. But in the 19th century, it was considered a terminal condition. During the American civil war, doctors scribbled the word on dozens of death certificates我的確在美國內戰的文章看過將死亡證明書中nostalgia 翻譯成郷愁
- 1.a habitually grumpy person.
"rock's foremost poet and ill-mannered grouch"
synonyms: grumbler, complainer, moaner, discontent, malcontent, fault-finder, carper; More
- 1.voice one's discontent ill-temperedly; grumble.
"there's not a lot to grouch about"
- nostalgia one's
- 郷愁に悩む,ホームシックになる
mass noun- 1A sentimental longing or wistful affection for a period in the past.‘I was overcome with acute nostalgia for my days at university’
- 1.1 Something done or presented in order to evoke feelings of nostalgia.‘an evening of TV nostalgia’
- 1.1 Something done or presented in order to evoke feelings of nostalgia.
Late 18th century (in the sense ‘acute homesickness’): modern Latin (translating German Heimweh ‘homesickness’), from Greek nostos ‘return home’ + algos ‘pain’.