2023年8月21日 星期一

scalability, antic, deity, pull up, grotesque

'I have one aim - the grotesque. If I am not grotesque I am nothing.' - Aubrey Beardsley, whose work shocked and delighted Victorian society, was born on this day in 1872.

​Learn about Beardsley's short but influential life, told through five key works ➡️ https://bit.ly/45EEO87

🖋️ Aubrey Beardsley, Cover Design for ‘The Yellow Book’ Vol.I, 1894. On free display at Tate Britain.

'The Sugar Frosted Nutsack'

Reviewed by BEN MARCUS
In Mark Leyner's antic novel, the universe begins when a gang of deities pulls up in a van.
 pull up
vb (adverb)
1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Botany) (tr) to remove by the roots
2. (often foll by with or on) to move level (with) or ahead (of) or cause to move level (with) or ahead (of), esp in a race
3. to stop the car pulled up suddenly
4. (tr) to rebuke
n pull-up
1. (Individual Sports, other than specified) an exercise in which the body is raised up by the arms pulling on a horizontal bar fixed above the head
2. (Engineering / Automotive Engineering) Brit Old-fashioned a roadside café; pull-in
 de·i·ty  (d-t, d-)
n. pl. de·i·ties
1. A god or goddess.
a. The essential nature or condition of being a god; divinity.
b. Deity God. Used with the.

[Middle English deite, from Old French, from Late Latin deits, divine nature, from Latin deus, god; see dyeu- in Indo-European roots.]

 an·tic  (ntk)
1. A ludicrous or extravagant act or gesture; a caper.
2. Archaic A buffoon, especially a performing clown.
Ludicrously odd; fantastic.

[From Italian antico, ancient (used of grotesque designs on some ancient Roman artifacts), from Latin antquus, former, old; see ant- in Indo-European roots.]

The cloud computing service, called ’Smart Analytics Cloud’, will be IBM’s biggest cloud computing service that it has launched till date. IBM said that this cloud service would be the first one that it would adopt internally.
Cloud computing is an internet based service which allows the users, mainly companies, to run software and store data in remote large-scale data centers.
This way, the users can save on hardware, human resources, space and electricity and they also retain options for rapid scalability if such a need arises.
A study by Gartner Research estimates the sales in cloud computing sphere to be $3.4 billion this year alone and the move by IBM is seen by many as an attempt to increase its presence in this domain and bolster its bouquet of offerings.
in a bid to:指企圖、努力爭取…。例句:The two sides have been locked in discussion in a bid to find a compromise.(雙方持續談判,希望找到妥協之道。)
Property of a system that can accommodate changes in transaction volume without major changes to the system. Scalability most often comes into play when a system user anticipates growth in his business. You would not want to make a significant investment in any system, such as a fulfillment system, if it cannot grow as your business grows. On the other hand, you do not want to pay for excess capacity while you wait for growth to happen. A scalable system can be downsized as easily as it can grow. A server for a Web site has scalabaility if it can accommodate extreme peaks and valleys in user traffic.
