【談文論譯】I am humbled 心懷感激/心存感激/衷心感謝 蘇正隆
最近媒體報導奧斯卡影帝凱文史貝西遭控多起性侵案,全部裁定無罪 (Kevin Spacey cleared of sex assault charges),史貝西多年來深陷四名男子9 起性侵指控,陪審團裁決全都無罪 (The jurors returned not guilty verdicts for nine sexual offence charges relating to four men between 2001 and 2013.)
結果出爐後,他走出法庭發表感言: “I am humbled by the outcome today.”
台灣有媒體把 I am humbled by the outcome 譯成他「對於判決結果感到相當謙卑」,I am humbled 其實是英文表達「心懷感激/心存感激/衷心感謝」的慣用語。
BBC 與 The Independent 報導中引述史貝西的感言如下:
"I am humbled by the outcome today. I also want to thank the staff inside this courthouse, the security, and all of those who took care of us every single day.
專為非母語人士解答文疑難雜症的 HiNative 網站就有人問過:I'm humbled by your generosity 是什麼意思?
有兩位達人答覆: “It means that someone helped you out and you are very thankful.”; “It means that you are overwhelmed by someone's generosity. "Extremely appreciative" to the point of being overwhelmed.”
Dictionary.com 在回覆 What does it mean to say you are humbled? 時舉了一個例子:I am humbled like a stranger who is invited to dinner and fed the best food in the house. (就像一個陌生人受邀到人家晚餐,享受屋中最好美食那樣,我衷心感謝/心存感激。)
如果把「一個陌生人受邀到人家晚餐 … 我衷心感謝/我心存感激」譯成「一個陌生人受邀到人家晚餐 … 我相當謙卑」,是不是很奇怪!
此外,前面提到「陪審團裁決無罪」 (The jurors returned not guilty verdicts),使用的動詞是 returned,但意思不是*「返回」。法官、陪審團做裁決或宣判,習慣的動詞搭配是 returned a verdict,意思是 reached a decision。return 作爲動詞還有許多別的意思,譬如:The voters returned her to parliament. 這裡 returned 是「選舉出」的意思。(Jerome Su, Aug 2, 2022)
A Humbled Microsoft Outlines How It's Rebooting Windows 8
Microsoft gave the most complete demonstration yet of a radically overhauled version of Windows, as the company reboots the operating system for a market increasingly captivated by Apple's iPad.
Domino's Mea Culpa and America's Pizza Passions
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The pizza chain's reboot isn't a big improvement. But it had to do something in a country where pizza has a special place
Amazon.com issued a detailed account of last week's Web-services outage in which it apologized for the shutdown and offered a service credit to customers.
An acknowledgment of a personal error or fault.
An acknowledgment of a personal error or fault.
[Latin meā culpā, through my fault : meā, feminine ablative of meus, my + culpā, ablative of culpa, fault.]
tr.v., -boot·ed, -boot·ing, -boots.
To turn (a computer or operating system) off and then on again; restart.
tr.v., -boot·ed, -boot·ing, -boots.
To turn (a computer or operating system) off and then on again; restart.