2018年2月24日 星期六

looks department, Grim Reaper

People today are living longer, healthier, and happier lives than ever before. I asked one of my favorite authors, Steven Pinker, to explain why.

Tough Questions
Humanity is fighting back against the Grim Reaper

Baby-faced people ’live longer’ 長得娃娃臉的人「較長命」
People who look young for their age are already the envy of their peers, but those holding back the years haven’t just been blessed in the looks department.
Now they have another reason to be smug:not only do the wrinkles remain at bay, but the Grim Reaper takes longer to call, according to a new Danish study published online in the British medical journal BMJ.

smug:形容詞,沾沾自喜的。例句:She has that smug look everytime she talks about her son.(她每次談到她兒子都有那張得意的表情。)

remain/hold/keep at bay:片語,不讓……接近,困住。The strategy worked and kept the enemy at bay.(戰略奏效,成功阻止敵人進逼。)
Grim Reaper:專有名詞,死神,原意為面目猙獰、拿著大鐮刀的收割者,傳說源自中世紀黑死病侵襲歐洲期間對死神面貌的描述。

    1. The act or instance of looking: I took just one look and I was sure.
    2. A gaze or glance expressive of something: gave her a mournful look.
    1. Appearance or aspect: a look of great age.
    2. looks Physical appearance, especially when pleasing.
    3. A distinctive, unified manner of dress or fashion: the preferred look for this fall.

  1. A distinct, usually specialized division of a large organization, especially:
    1. A principal administrative division of a government: the department of public works.
    2. A division of a business specializing in a particular product or service: the personnel department.
    3. A division of a school or college dealing with a particular field of knowledge: the physics department.
  2. Department One of the principal executive divisions of the federal government of the United States, headed by a cabinet officer.
  3. A section of a department store selling a particular line of merchandise: the home furnishings department.
  4. An administrative district in France.
  5. A unit of a warship's crew, organized by function, such as gunnery or engineering.
  6. An area of particular knowledge or responsibility; a specialty: Getting the kids to bed is my department.
[French département, from Old French, separation, from departir, to divide. See depart.]
departmental de'part·men'tal ('pärt-mĕn'tl) adj.
departmentally de'part·men'tal·ly adv.
