2016年3月3日 星期四

move up, on the rise, whisker, by a whisker of, sideburns

Technology: Data Breaches on the Rise, Report Finds

Bernie won Minnesota, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Vermont, and lost Massachusetts by a whisker.

In February, Schick's Japanese unit started a Web site that lets users upload a picture of themselves and see how they would look in any of 1,000 different whiskers. The styles are organized by type (goatee, sideburns), theme (sexy, standard) or occasion (dating, job interview). A '3D' function converts the bewhiskered photo to an image that blinks and smiles.

2月份時﹐Schick的日本子公司開設了一個網站﹐用戶可以向其上傳自己的照片﹐然後從1,000款不同的鬍鬚中挑選一些加到自己的臉上﹐看看結果會是 什麼樣子。這些不同風格的鬍子按類型(山羊鬍﹐連鬢鬍)、主題(性感、標準)和場合(約會、應聘面試)來分類。網站的3D功能將加上鬍子後的人臉照片轉成 一個能眨眼和微笑的圖像。

whisker pronunciation

IN BRIEF: A single hair of a beard. Also: Any of the long, stiff hairs on the upper lip of a cat, rat, etc.

pronunciation After the fight, a single whisker was left on the face of the cat.

noun [C]
any of the long, stiff hairs growing on the face of a cat, mouse or other mammal:
He watched the cat cleaning the milk off her whiskers.
n. - 腮鬚, 掃拂者, 鬍鬚
  • by a whisker of 險些兒, 差點
  • within a whisker of 險些兒, 差點
    1. whiskers The hair on a man's cheeks and chin.
    2. A single hair of a beard or mustache.
  1. One of the long stiff tactile bristles or hairs that grow near the mouth and elsewhere on the head of most mammals; a vibrissa.
  2. Informal. A narrow margin; a hairsbreadth: The candidate lost the election by a whisker.


Growths of hair down the sides of a man's face in front of the ears, especially when worn with the rest of the beard shaved off.
[Alteration of BURNSIDES.]

━━ n.pl. 〔米〕 短く切ったほおひげ; もみあげ.
1. (短)連鬢鬍子
He was a tall bald man wearing sideburns.
2. 鬢腳

on the rise
Police say that youth crime is on the rise again.

move up

Also, move up in the world.
Advance, rise to a higher level, succeed, as in Gene hoped he would move up in the new division, or That new house and car show they are moving up in the world. Also see come up, def. 4.

The verb move up has 2 meanings:
Meaning #1: move upward
Synonyms: rise, lift, arise, go up, come up, uprise

Saks, Google Move Up; Qwest Declines 14%
Saks had a solid session on interest from Icelandic investors and Google came within a whisker of 700, but Qwest Communications fell on investor unease.

Meaning #2: be promoted, move to a better position
Synonym: rise
Gary Convis, president of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky (TMMK), will move up to chairman of the operation and will continue as executive vice president ...
