2023年4月25日 星期二

unites, toasted, contex, blog away

Rebels in a get-thin world are blogging away at the mainstream.


Caring Unites Partners 翻譯成「關愛單元伙伴」(p.7)
Unit 作單位用複數為 units。所以unites 是 unite(團結)之動詞。

致謝中的toast 不是敬酒(因為星巴克不賣酒) p.8

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that authorities are expected to cite an e-mail from Mr. Tannin to Mr. Cioffi, suggesting that the market for their funds' investments was "toast" -- four days before they assured investors everything was fine.

Slang. One that is doomed, in trouble, or unworthy of further consideration.

1. n.Any completely inoperable system or component, esp. one that has just crashed and burned: “Uh, oh ... I think the serial board is toast.” (This sense went mainstream around 1993.)
2. vt. To cause a system to crash accidentally, especially in a manner that requires manual rebooting. “Rick just toasted the firewall machine again.” Compare fried.


verb [T]
to hold up your glass and then drink as an expression of good wishes or respect:
We toasted the happy couple.
n. - 祝酒, 祝頌詞, 敬酒, 被敬酒的人
v. tr. - 舉杯為...祝酒, 提議為...乾杯
v. intr. - 舉杯祝酒

━ n. トースト ((焼いたパン)); (the ~) 乾杯を受ける人[対象]; 乾杯(の言葉), 祝杯.
━━ n. 文脈; 背景, 情況.
所以雜誌翻譯成”文脈”( p.174)不太妥:
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Archives (1997-2002) of a magazine for senior executives about the effects of technology and digital strategy for modern businesses.

這blog away似乎是損之擊之

Big Is in, or at Least Accepted

