2020年1月25日 星期六

rebut, condone, statehood, point-by-point rebuttal, legislative spine

Impeachment Managers Cite History to Rebut G.O.P. Argument

Representative Jerrold Nadler insisted that the history of the Constitution makes it clear that a criminal violation is not necessary to impeach the president.

It’s an attempt to form the legislative spine of a state-level resistance to Trump’s policies.

Democratic lawmakers in at least 30 U.S. states to rebut Trump

Misquoted? Hit back with Google

Google News Offers Rebuttal Time
Google began allowing people cited in stories it carries to post comments about the articles, a move that is stirring debate.

The US-Mexican War of 1846-48 was sparked by a dispute over impending Texas statehood.

rebut  -tt- FORMAL
to argue that a statement or claim is not true:
She has rebutted charges that she has been involved in any financial malpractice.

rebuttal noun [C] FORMAL
a statement which says that a claim or criticism is not true:
She issued a point-by-point rebuttal of the company's accusations.

point-by-point rebuttal (逐項批駁錯誤引用)做法

statehood noun [U]
the condition of being a country or a part of a large country that has its own government:━━ n. 国家[州]であること; その地位.





---美反對陳總統推公投 外交部:無意改變現狀 持續和美溝通
時間: 2007/06/20 撰稿‧編輯:呂欣憓 新聞引據:採訪

(BRUCE:看起來,台灣在美國的公關工作做得不錯 )
QUESTION: Sean, President Chen Shui-bian of Taiwan has spoken of plans to conduct a referendum on whether or not Taiwan should join the UN under the name of Taiwan.


QUESTION: An official in this building gave some background comments yesterday and I'm wondering whether or not you have anything on the record for us.

MR. MCCORMACK: Sure, I have something for you. We support Taiwan's inclusion, as appropriate, in international organizations that do not require statehood for membership. Consistent with our one China policy, we do not support Taiwan's membership in international organizations that require statehood, including the United Nations....

Asked about the hotel’s reputation, John Wolf, a spokesman for Marriott International, which owns the Mayflower, declined to rebut the specifics. “It is our company’s policy to comply with all federal, state and local laws,” he said in an e-mail message. “We also respect the privacy of our guests, subject to the safety and security of other guests and the public.”
The hotel would not, Mr. Wolf added, “condone activities that are contrary to that goal or which are obviously illegal.”

verb [T] -tt- FORMAL
to argue that a statement or claim is not true:
She has rebutted charges that she has been involved in any financial malpractice.

noun [C] FORMAL
a statement which says that a claim or criticism is not true:
She issued a point-by-point rebuttal of the company's accusations.


verb [T]
to accept or allow behaviour that is wrong:
If the government is seen to condone violence, the bloodshed will never stop.
