2009年1月15日 星期四

marc and eau de vie, Jet d’ Eau

日內瓦地標-大噴泉  ■文、攝影∕林揚
《2009/01/06 15:37》

 日內瓦位於瑞士西南端,緊鄰祥和平靜的日內瓦湖,是許多重要國際組織,包括聯合國歐洲總部、世界衛生組織( WHO)、世界貿易組織( WTO)、國際勞工組織( ILO)及紅十字會總部的所在地,名氣響亮,讓許多人誤以為日內瓦是瑞士的首都。
 大噴泉 (Jet d’ Eau)是日內瓦最重要的地標,漫步在日內瓦湖畔,首先印入眼簾的就是那一柱擎天的巨大水柱,加上陽光的加持,一道彩虹依偎在旁,自然成了遊客獵景的目標。
  大噴泉水柱原本高 82公尺,是羅納河 (Rhone,一稱隆河 )裡的發電廠用來消耗夜間過餘電力的設施。後來發電廠廢除,日內瓦人不習慣消失的噴泉, 於是在 1891年移到現在湖中的位置。 1951年重新安裝新的馬達之後,噴泉水柱增加到 140公尺高,每秒噴出的水量高達 500公升,瞬間壓力可 達七噸以上。

An Orchard in a Bottle, at 80 Proof

Michael Rubenstein for The New York Times

NO NEED TO PEEL Limited-edition bottles of eau de vie, bearing fruit, at Clear Creek Distillery.

Published: August 15, 2007


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Michael Rubenstein for The New York Times

BUD TO BOTTLE Pear eau de vie at a distillery in Oregon.

DON’T get Stephen R. McCarthy started on cocktails. At Clear Creek Distillery here, which he has operated for more than 20 years, he makes grappas and marcs, brandies and liqueurs. He makes a whiskey that is a dead ringer for an Islay single malt.

dead ringer A person or thing that closely resembles another; an exact counterpart. For example, Brian's a dead ringer for his Dad, or That red bike is a dead ringer for Mary's. [Late 1800s]

marc (märk) pronunciation
  1. The pulpy residue left after the juice has been pressed from grapes, apples, or other fruits.
  2. Brandy distilled from grape or apple residue.

[French, from Old French march, from marchier, to trample. See march1.]

marc[MARK; MAHR]
French; spirit distilled from the fermented residue of grape skins, stalks, and seeds after the grapes have been pressed for wine making. The same as grappa (Italian), bagaciera (Portugal), and aguardiente (Spain). Often a harsh raw spirit, drunk young, although some varieties (especially marc de Bourgogne) are matured and smooth.

1. A French term (known as pomace in English) for the residue (skins, pips, seeds, etc.) remaining after the juice has been pressed from the grapes. 2. A potent eau de vie distilled (see distillation) from this mixture. It's the French counterpart to grappa (the name used in Italy and California).

eau de vie (ō' də vē') pronunciation
n., pl. eaux de vie (ō', ōz').

Colorless brandy distilled from fermented fruit juice.

[French eau-de-vie : eau, water + de, of + vie, life.]

proof (ALCOHOL)
adjective [after noun]
of the stated alcoholic strength, a higher number meaning a greater amount of alcohol:
It says on the bottle that it's 60 percent proof.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
