2023年9月20日 星期三

primordial, Phoebe, Mnemosyne, Promethean, satellite office/museum, Prometheus

"The hashtag on Twitter is #ThisIsNotNormal. The national anxiety level is trending upward. Because we are engulfed, in a phrase, in primordial chaos." - Lynn Sherr
Trump's ruinous romp through our history, our freedom, our language and, yes, our souls, has littered our country with far more than a messy wardrobe.

Modern myths such as Star Wars fill a void left by religion in the secular world. Disney taps into our primordial human urges—for refuge, redemption and harmony

American Prometheus: the triumphant and tradegy  of Robert Oppenheimer 

How one company came to master the business of storytelling

"From women's eyes this doctrine I derive:
They are the ground, the books, the academes,
From whence doth spring the true Promethean fire."
--Biron from "Love's Labour's Lost" (4.3.302)

跟手頭上有張華譯著的Alice in Wonderland 的朋友 報告這兩周的一些updating
昨天我們"隔壁"的書林重新裝潢 放了兩部電影: 1991年的The Double Life of Véronique
姑且不論它似曾相識 2008年的Phoebe in WonderlandAlice 的另一應用版

  satellite office

In India, a Developing Case of Innovation Envy
Indians fret that Bangalore, and India more broadly, will remain a low-cost satellite office of the West, rather than a hotbed of entrepreneurship.

PrometheusLine breaks: Pro|me¦theus
Pronunciation: /prəˈmiːθɪəs /

Greek Mythology

Definition of Prometheus in English:

demigod, one of the Titans, who was worshippedby craftsmen. When Zeus hid fire away from man Prometheus stole it by trickery and returned it to earth

As punishment Zeus chained him to a rock where an eagle fed each day on his liver, which grew again each night; he was rescued by Hercules. 普羅米修斯是希臘神話中的英雄,他用陶土和水捏造出兩個人偶,決定賦予人偶生命。他請求悲劇女神教導人類愛與恨、要人類向喜劇女神學習舞蹈及歡樂,使人類有生命外,更具備藝術的心靈。

當年,受到舞蹈家Salvatore Viganò委託,貝多芬也為芭蕾舞劇《普羅米修斯的創造物》寫作了一套情感充沛的管弦配樂。

Derivatives  Promethean



Pronunciation: /ˈsatəlʌɪt/
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Definition of satellite

  • 1an artificial body placed in orbit round the earth or another planet in order to collect information or for communication: a communications satellite a spy satellite [mass noun]:the report was sent via satellite
  • [as modifier] transmitted by satellite; using or relating to satellite technology:satellite broadcasting
  • [mass noun] satellite television:a news service on satellite
  • 2 Astronomy a celestial body orbiting the earth or another planet.
  • 3 [usually as modifier] something that is separated from or on the periphery of something else but is nevertheless dependent on or controlled by it:satellite offices in London and New York
  • a small country or state politically or economically dependent on another: the Soviet Union and its satellite states
  • a community or town dependent on a nearby larger town: with good motorway and rail links, satellite towns like Thornbury have grown rapidly
  • 4 Genetics a portion of the DNA of a genome with repeating base sequences and of different density from the main sequence.


mid 16th century (in the sense 'follower, obsequious underling'): from French satellite or Latin satelles, satellit- 'attendant'


━━ n. 【天文】衛星; 人工衛星; 衛星放送 (satellite broadcasting); 衛星国[都市]; 従者.
━━ v. 衛星中継する.
satellite banking サテライト・バンキング制, 提携銀行制.
satellite dish (aerial) 衛星放送受信用(パラボラ)アンテナ.
satellite DNA 【生化】サテライトDNA.
satellite earth station 衛星放送電波受信局.
satellite hookup 衛星中継.
satellite imaging 衛星画像.
satellite links 【コンピュータ】衛星回線.
satellite office サテライト・オフィス.
satellite state [nation] 衛星国.
satellite station 宇宙ステーション.
satellite television 衛星テレビ放送.
satellite town [city] 衛星都市.

Phoe·be (') pronunciation

  1. Greek Mythology. The goddess Artemis.
  2. A satellite of Saturn.
  3. The moon personified.
[Middle English phebe, from Latin Phoebē, from Greek Phoibē, from feminine of phoibos, shining.]

Mnemosyne (1881), a Pre-Raphaelite interpretation of the goddess by Dante Gabriel Rossetti[1]
Mnemosyne (Greek Mνημοσύνη, pronounced /nɪˈmɒzɪni/ or /nɪˈmɒsəni/) (sometimes confused with Mneme or compared with Memoria) was the personification of memory in Greek mythology. This titaness was the daughter of Gaia and Uranus and the mother of the Muses by Zeus.
In Hesiod's Theogony, kings and poets receive their powers of authoritative speech from their possession of Mnemosyne and their special relationship with the Muses.
Zeus and Mnemosyne slept together for nine consecutive nights and thereby created the nine Muses. Mnemosyne also presided over a pool[2] in Hades, counterpart to the river Lethe, according to a series of 4th century BC Greek funerary inscriptions in dactylic hexameter. Dead souls drank from Lethe so they would not remember their past lives when reincarnated. Initiates were encouraged to drink from the river Mnemosyne when they died, instead of Lethe. These inscriptions may have been connected with Orphic poetry (see Zuntz, 1971).
Similarly, those who wished to consult the oracle of Trophonius in Boeotia were made to drink alternately from two springs called "Lethe" and "Mnemosyne". An analogous setup is described in the Myth of Er at the end of Plato's Republic.



  1. ^ Collection of the Delaware Art Museum, Samuel and Mary R. Bancroft Memorial, Rossetti Archive.
  2. ^ Richard Janko, “Forgetfulness in the Golden Tablets of Memory,” Classical Quarterly 34 (1984) 89–100; see article "Totenpass" for the reconstructed devotional which instructs the initiated soul through the landscape of Hades, including the pool of Memory.

See also


Pronunciation: /prʌɪˈmɔːdɪəl/
Definition of primordial in English:


1Existing at or from the beginning of time; primeval:the primordial oceans
1.1(Especially of a feeling or state) basic andfundamental:the primordial needs of the masses
  • Later, when I began to sing along with the Opera stars, it was my chance to express those blurred, but primordial feelings I had bottled-up inside a thin, nondescript physique.
  • Whatever it was, I felt the primordial feeling of tears stinging at my eyes, and my breathing grew sharp and cutting, much colder than before.
  • For others, however, those rhythmic beats will stir imaginings of ancient celebrations and primordial feelings that continue to forge a spiritual bond with the land and the changing seasons.
1.2Biology (Of a cell, part, or tissue) in the earlieststage of development:primordial germ cells


late Middle English: from late Latin primordialis 'first of all', from primordius 'original' (see primordium).
