2023年9月4日 星期一

Aura of impunity, genocide 滅絕危害種族, graft, anti-graft inspector, sable, insaissable, invulnerable, underwritten, genocidal, call on sb, arrest ,warrant

Criminal Court’s Arrest Warrant Pierces Putin’s Aura of Impunity

A symbolic move by the International Criminal Court, which accused President Vladimir Putin of war crimes, carries moral weight.

Dong Hong admitted taking an incredible 463 million yuan (US$72.9 million) in bribes - despite being a deputy leader in the Communist Party's anti-corruption watchdog.

Former top Chinese anti-graft inspector given suspended death sentence for corruptionDong took about US$73 million in bribes over two decades, court says.

China’s Xinjiang Policy Is ‘Genocide,’ Says Ex-Hong Kong Governor
Hong Kong’s last colonial governor Chris Patten on Monday described China’s approach to its ethnic Uighur Muslim minority in the far-western region of Xinjiang as arguably “genocide.”

謝謝贈書漢字出版圈現在多缺索引所以我拿《德國反猶太史》翻翻而已,354頁 有篇談成吉思汗的書我去Google Books searched: 9 pages matching Architect of genocide in this book 它只顯示3頁

British historian caused outrage by saying 'slavery was not genocide' in a recent interview.

The state-sponsored genocide known as the Holocaust was the greatest crime of this century and a seminal event of modern times. In this major work, Klaus Fischer unravels the complex history of Judeophobia in its four essential forms: Christian, nationalistic, social-discriminatory, and biological-racial. He argues that German defeat in World War I cleared the way for the pathological Judeophobia that formed the core of Nazism. When Hitler turned Germany into a racist totalitarian state, Jews changed from "Christ-killers" or alien

UK historian David Starkey quits Cambridge after slavery remarks

美國副總統潘斯於10月4日的演講中,直接指控中國在新疆設置拘留營,監禁多達百萬名維吾爾穆斯林,晝夜施以洗腦等不人道待遇,蓄意扼殺維吾爾文化並消滅穆斯林信仰。「中國對於異族若非屈膝稱皇,就是視為禽獸」。對此指控,中國非但不否認,還試圖透過「新疆維吾爾自治區去極端化條例」,片面加以合法化。中國這種對維吾爾穆斯林族群計畫性、大規模的「殘虐行為(atrocity)」,已經構成了國際法上的「危害種族罪(crime of genocide)」。

In a Superstar Economy, a Bull Market in Superstar Harassers


With companies operating on a more sweeping scale and conferring bigger rewards, more workers are apt to act with impunity, researchers say.

“The era of Brazilian society in which there is impunity for corrupt people, I think it is coming to an end.”

Life, Death and Graft in Southeast Asia
Thomas Fuller, a New York Times correspondent who is leaving the region after a decade, says one theme there keeps recurring: impunity.

"Online, you can discover and learn, entertain and inspire. It is in almost every way a liberation for all of us.

You can also babble with impunity. Under the cloak of anonymity, you can express the ugliest of sentiments; you can join a witch-hunt to destroy a reputation or to assassinate a character. We are thus liberated and simultaneously imprisoned by social media."
Egypt Widens Its Crackdown and Meaning of ‘Islamist’
Political abuses and politicized prosecutions are hardly new in Egypt, but since the military takeover, some activists say the authorities are acting with a sense of impunity.

$1,100 on Prom?! Yup. Here's Why
Americans generally remain frugal in the aftermath of the Great Recession. But prom night appears invulnerable to austerity. Here's what you can do about it.

in sable color

they were enabled to commit with impunity every sort of injustice...

At State-Run Homes, Abuse and Impunity

Decades after New York emptied its warehouses for the disabled, the current network of small group homes operates with scant oversight and few consequences for employees who abuse the vulnerable population.

There have been mixed international reactions to a request to indict Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir for genocide in Darfur. United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon said the world body respected the International Criminal Court's move, after the court's prosecutor requested that a panel of judges indict the Sudanese leader. The European Union's Development Commissioner called for an end to "impunity" in Darfur. However, Tanzania's foreign minister Bernard Membe, speaking on behalf of the Africa Union, called on the ICC to suspend any plans for an arrest warrant. Meanwhile, the United States says it has tightened security at its embassy in Khartoum and offices in south Sudan following the announcement.The Art Newspaper
The French have a word for it, insaissable, impossible to catch. So why is he
setting up in London, and why now? “I've always loved London, I love England,

Q. Should owners of Chrysler cars and trucks be concerned?
A. The federal government said it would back the warranties on vehicles bought from Chrysler while it is operating in bankruptcy. So, effective Thursday, warranties are underwritten by the government.
Owners of Chrysler vehicles bought before Thursday should expect their warranties to be honored until they expire. But the work may not be performed by a Chrysler dealer. Companies operating in bankruptcy sometimes ask a judge to let them assign warranty repairs to outside vendors, who charge the company less for their work than a dealer would expect to be reimbursed.
Owners whose vehicle warranties have run out are liable for any problems with their cars and trucks, as they are now.
World responds to request to indict Sudanese President 

There have been mixed international reactions to a request to indict Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir for genocide in Darfur. United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon said the world body respected the International Criminal Court's move, after the court's prosecutor requested that a panel of judges indict the Sudanese leader.
The European Union's Development Commissioner called for an end to "impunity" in Darfur. However, Tanzania's foreign minister Bernard Membe, speaking on behalf of the Africa Union, called on the ICC to suspend any plans for an arrest warrant.
Meanwhile, the United States says it has tightened security at its embassy in Khartoum and offices in south Sudan following the announcement.

Definition of graft
: the acquisition of gain (as money) in dishonest or questionable ways; also : illegal or unfair gain

noun [U]
the murder of a whole group of people, especially a whole nation, race or religious group:
victims of genocide

a genocidal war/regime

call on sb (ASK) phrasal verb [+ to infinitive]
to ask someone in a formal way to do something:
They're calling on all men and boys over the age of 14 to join the army.
FORMAL I now call on everyone to raise a glass to the happy couple.


━━ vt. 止める, 阻止する; 逮捕する, 拘引する; (人の心を)引く (attract).
━━ n. 阻止; 逮捕, 拘引, 拘留; 【医・法】停止.
 under arrest 逮捕されて (You're under ~. お前を逮捕する).
 ar・rest・a・ble ━━ a. 【法】(令状なしで)逮捕できる.
 ar・rest・er ━━ n. 逮捕する人; 鈎(こう)引装置 ((航空母艦に着艦した航空機を減速する)).
 ar・rest・ing ━━ a. 人の注意を引く(ような).
 ar・rest・ment ━━ n.


━━ n. 正当な理由, 根拠, 権限 ((for; to do)); 保証; 【法】令状; 委任状; 支払い命令書; 許可証; 【軍】准士官(任命)辞令; 権限証書[証券,保証書], 倉庫証券; 金銭支払証券; 新株引受権証書, ワラント; 短期公債証書.
━━ vt. 権限を与える; 正当化する; 保証する; 〔話〕 断言する.
 war・rant・a・ble ━━ a. 保証できる; 正当の.
war・rant・a・bly ad.
 war・rant・ed ━━ a.
 ━━ n. 【法】被保証人.
 ━━ n. 【法】保証人.
 warrant of attachment 差押令状.
 warrant of attorney 委任状.
 warrant officer 【軍】准士官, 准尉.
 war・ran・ty ━━ n. 保証, 担保; (しっかりした)理由, 根拠 ((for)). (製品の)保証書; 保証責任; 瑕疵(かし)担保責任; 令状; (英国の契約における)付随的条項.
warrant deed 【法】権原担保捺印証書, (土地譲渡の)瑕疵担保証書.

impunity 不受懲罰

Reuters reporters “demonstrated how police in the president’s ‘drug war’ have killed with impunity”. Reuters


━━ n. 罰せられないこと.
 with impunity 罰を受けずに, 無事に.

  • [séibl]
1 《動物》クロテン.
2 《動物》テン, (特に)アメリカイタチ.
3 [U]1の毛皮;[C]1の毛で作った画筆.
4 [U]((詩))黒;(しばしば紋章の一色としての)黒色;[C]((〜s))((文))喪服
in sables
━━[形]((通例限定))((詩))黒色の;暗黒の;陰気な, 陰うつな;恐ろしい
his sable Majesty


Syllabification: (im·pu·ni·ty)
Pronunciation: /imˈpyo͞onitē/
Translate impunity | into German | into Italian | into Spanish

  • exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action:the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings protesters burned flags on the streets with impunity


mid 16th century: from Latin impunitas, from impunis 'unpunished', from in- 'not' + poena 'penalty' or punire 'punish'


  • 発音記号[impjúːnəti]
[名][U]刑罰[害, 損失]を免れること, 無事. ⇒EXEMPTION
with impunity


Translate invulnerable | into German | into Italian
Definition of invulnerable

  • impossible to harm or damage:no state in the region is now invulnerable to attack by another

Pronunciation: /-ˈbɪlɪti/





late 16th century (earlier than vulnerable): from Latin invulnerabilis, from in- 'not' + vulnerabilis (see vulnerable)
