2023年6月21日 星期三

legroom, Grand Poobah, falls for free ride

The man behind the brand was just as ubiquitous, a Chamber of Commerce leader, Kiwanis bigwig and Shriner poobah. He donated a scoreboard to the town gymnasium, presented the police with a trained German shepherd, sponsored a semipro baseball team and gave away banana splits to children for civic spirit, or academic success, or just for being kids.

Buffett falls for free ride Google
Register - London,England,UK
That said, the grand poobah from Omaha found time to celebrate both Microsoft and Google during the 2007 letter (PDF) to the Berkshire clan. ...

JetBlue to Offer More Legroom

JetBlue plans to charge customers $10 to $20 for the option of four more inches of leg room on its flights. The airline said the more spacious seating wouldn't cut into space elsewhere.


noun [U]足を伸ばせる余地
the amount of space available for your legs when you are sitting behind another seat:
a car with plenty of legroom .

Omaha 是"股神" Buffet的根據地。此篇用 Grand Poobah來諷刺股神。

In economics
  • Free riding, buying stocks without the money to cover the purchase
  • Free rider problem, the problem faced by non-excludable goods providers (usually regarding government programs)

poohbah or Poohbah :這是1885年W. S. Gilbert著名的輕歌劇作品The Mikado(英文中表示「日本天皇」a former title of the emperor of Japan used chiefly in the English language.。此劇為想像中之日本皇朝下之故事)中之「(洋洋得意的、身兼數職的)要人、顯貴」。As president, state warden, and security chief, the leader described in Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mikado" is a poohbah

Grand Poobah is a term derived from the name of the haughty character Pooh-Bah in Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado. In this comic opera, Pooh-Bah holds numerous exalted offices, including Lord Chief Justice, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Master of the Buckhounds, Lord High Auditor, Groom of the Back Stairs, and Lord High Everything Else. The name has come to be used as a mocking title for someone self-important or high-ranking and who exhibits an inflated self-regard.
