"Is it really women’s responsibility to hide the well-established fact that most of us have nipples, or is it men’s not to be such damn oglers? You know we have them under there, after all. Can’t we all just give up the ruse?"
More than 93% of young lawyers surveyed reported feeling stressed in their role, and many said they used alcohol as a coping mechanism. Law Society finds prevalence of drinking contributes to bullying and harassmentFT.COM
Law firm alcohol culture is damaging mental health
A $1,200 Walkman? Sony Pins Its Hopes on High-Quality Sound
Coal Industry Pins Hopes on Exports as U.S. Market Shrinks
Environmental worries complicate an energy company's plan to mine an
Indian tribe's large deposit of coal and ship it to Asia.
A demonstration seat belt, life jacket and arm rests are strategically positioned during the 3 1/2-minute video to protect the cabin crew’s ... discretion. Passengers are shown ogling, mostly in appreciation.
An arch look expressed -- "I understand you well enough;" but she said only, "Miss Fairfax is reserved."
"I always told you she was -- a little; but you will soon overcome all that part of her reserve which ought to be overcome, all that has its foundation in diffidence. what arises from discretion must be honoured."
"You think her diffident. I do not see it."
"My dear Emma," said he, moving from his chair into one close by her, "you are not going to tell me, I hope, that you had not a pleasant evening."
Swimming With the Big Fish at Last
By DOROTHY SPEARSIt’s not every day that a painter with a 40-year career gets to feel like a hot young thing, but Mary Heilmann is coping.
Comrades in Chaos, Invading Iraq
“Generation Kill,” an HBO seven-part mini-series about the invasion of Iraq that begins on Sunday, is bold, uncompromising and oddly diffident
"There is hardly any desiring to refresh such a memory as _that_,"--said
Mr. Knightley, feelingly; and for a moment or two he had done. "But I,"
he soon added, "who have had no such charm thrown over my senses,
must still see, hear, and remember. Emma is spoiled by being the
cleverest of her family. At ten years old, she had the misfortune of
being able to answer questions which puzzled her sister at seventeen.
She was always quick and assured: Isabella slow and diffident.
And ever since she was twelve, Emma has been mistress of the house
and of you all. In her mother she lost the only person able to cope
with her. She inherits her mother's talents, and must have been
under subjection to her."
v., o·gled, o·gling, o·gles.
v.tr.- To stare at.
- To stare at impertinently, flirtatiously, or amorously.
To stare in an impertinent, flirtatious, or amorous manner.
An impertinent, flirtatious, or amorous stare.
[Perhaps from Low German oghelen, oegeln, frequentative of oegen, to eye, from oghe, oge, eye.]
ogler o'gler n.
- 1.stare at in a lecherous manner."he was ogling her breasts"
synonyms: leer at, stare at, gaze at, eye, make eyes at, make sheep's eyes at;
verb [I]
to deal successfully with a difficult situation:
It must be difficult to cope with three small children and a job.
The tyres on my car don't cope very well on wet roads.
He had so much pressure on him in his job that eventually he just couldn't cope.
━━ vi. 負けずに戦う[争う] ((with)); (難局に)対処する ((with)); なんとか切り抜ける.
shy and not confident of your abilities:
a diffident manner
You shouldn't be so diffident about your achievements - you've done really well!
noun [U]
- The quality of being discreet; circumspection. See synonyms at prudence.
- Ability or power to decide responsibly.
- Freedom to act or judge on one's own: All the decisions were left to our discretion.
discretionally dis·cre'tion·al·ly adv.