Officials in Southern California are crying foul after more than 140 million gallons of raw sewage spilled into the Tijuana River in Mexico and flowed north of the border for more than two weeks, according to a report.
In Tiny Malta, Hunters Cry Foul In EU Bird Dispute

WSJ(1/18) In Tiny Malta, Hunters Cry Foul In EU Bird Dispute
(From THE WALL STREET JOURNAL) By Charles Forelle
TA'XBIEX, Malta -- This is one place you wouldn't want to be a falcon.
(From THE WALL STREET JOURNAL) By Charles Forelle
TA'XBIEX, Malta -- This is one place you wouldn't want to be a falcon.
In Tiny Malta, Hunters Cry Foul In EU Bird Dispute
第一句的翻譯可能有問題應該是從南美歌曲 I rather be an eagle than a snail 化出....
獵手的天堂 鳥類的墓地
Witness die-hard birthers and truthers, for example.
McGrayne devotes much of her book to Bayes’s theorem’s many remarkable contributions to history: she discusses how it was used to search for nuclear weapons, devise actuarial tables, demonstrate that a document seemingly incriminating Colonel Dreyfus was most likely a forgery, improve low-resolution computer images, judge the authorship of the disputed Federalist papers and determine the false positive rate of mammograms.
- a person who doubts the generally accepted account of an event, believing that an official conspiracy exists to conceal the true explanation; a conspiracy theorist."she denied evolution, AIDS/HIV, and was a 9/11 truther"
cry foul
to say that something which has happened is unfair or illegal:
The opposition parties have cried foul at the president's act, seeing it as a violation of democracy.