2023年6月8日 星期四

cut and thrust, hair-shirt, friar, discipline, Little Office, Carthusians ,

Few cities manage to bring together the cut and thrust and the slower pace of days gone by quite like Tokyo.

More, Thomas (1478–1535), martyr. Born in London, the son of Sir John More, barrister and judge, Thomas More at the age of thirteen joined the household of John Morton, archbishop of Canterbury (1486–1500), who sent him to Canterbury College, Oxford, where he stayed for only two years on a very restricted allowance from his father, who called him home. In 1496 he entered Lincoln's Inn and was called to the Bar in 1501. In 1504 he entered Parliament (his constituency is unknown). For four years he had lived at the London Charterhouse, uncertain in his own mind whether to join it or the Friars Minor or to become a diocesan priest. In the event he did none of these things but decided to pursue his legal career and get married. But from these years date his lifelong habit of wearing a hairshirt, the daily recitation of the Little Office, and the use of the discipline. If some reaction against clerics and clerical life is seen in this decision, it would be quite untrue to assume on Thomas's part any rejection of asceticism. Always a Londoner and a lawyer, he delighted both in the capital's way of life and in the cut and thrust of legal argument.

cleric :聖職人員;神職人員。詳見 clergy

asceticism :宗教的修行;神修;苦修生活;克修:指倫理、身心方面的修煉之道。亦即信徒經由收斂內心和克制肉體(妄動),修煉與天主密切結合之道。

Carthusians :嘉都西會: 1084 年聖布魯諾( St. Bruno )創立於法國。規律嚴格,訓練會士克己苦身,獨居斗室,專心祈禱和工作。該會全名為 Order of Carthusians ,縮寫為 O. Cart.

Little Office of Our Lady :聖母小日課:按日課形式,用以敬禮聖母之一種較簡短的日課。同 Office of Blessed Virgin Mary, Little

friar :會士;修士:托缽的會士,多指方濟、道明、加爾默羅等會會士。

hair-shirt :苦衣:苦行(修)時所穿的粗糙衣服。

discipline (1) 訓誡;紀律;修練。拉丁文稱作 disciplina (2) 苦鞭:教會用於;中古世紀之修士、修女多用之。使用時應有神師指導,並不得殘害身體。參閱 flagellation

cut and thrust

格闘, 白兵戦;白熱の議論, 活発なやりとり.

cut and thrust

phrase of cut
  1. a lively and competitive atmosphere or environment.
    "the cut and thrust of political debate"
    • a situation or sphere of activity regarded as carried out under adversarial conditions.
      "the ruthless cut and thrust of the business world"
