The U.S. Coast Guard said on Thursday that a remote-controlled vehicle found debris from the Titan near the wreckage of the Titanic, ending a four-day, multinational search for the 22-foot watercraft that had captivated people worldwide. Mr. Rush was piloting the Titan and was among the five people on board who were killed. The Titan’s final voyage would have been its 14th expedition to the Titanic’s wreckage.
Budget (語源革鞄 leathercraft)
spacecraft 太空船
Budget Busting - Urban Dictionary
The United Arab Emirates ordered 80 Rafale fighter jets on Friday, the largest order ever for the warplane, a multi-billion dollar arms contract that deepens economic and political ties with France.
'Abramovich may have gotten off relatively lightly with potentially life-changing injuries, rather than an ice pick in the cranium'
類型 多用途戰機
乘員 1 / 2
首飛 1986年7月4日(飆風-A 試驗飛行)
服役 2001年5月18日
設計 達梭航太

產量 237架(至2021年)
單位造價 計畫價值 €459億(2013年)(約$627億美元)[1]
現況 現役
衍生自 歐洲聯合戰鬥機(ECF)項目
衍生機型 Novi Avion戰鬥機 - 南斯拉夫戰鬥機計劃
新一代戰機(Chasseur de nouvelle génération)
長度 15.27米(50.1英呎)
翼展 10.80米(35.4英呎)
高度 5.34米(17.5英呎)
翼面積 45.7米²(平方米); 492呎²(平方呎)
空重 飆風-B: 10,300公斤(22,700磅)
飆風-C: 9,850公斤(21,720磅)
飆風-M: 10,600公斤(23,400磅)
正常起飛重量 15,000公斤 (33,000磅)
最大起飛重量 24,500公斤 (54,000磅)
發動機 2台斯奈克瑪M88-2渦輪扇發動機
推力 軍用推力: 單台 50.04千牛(11,250磅力)
後燃最大推力: 單台 75.00千牛(16,860磅力)
最大燃油量 疾風-B: 4,700公斤(10,400磅)
疾風-C: 4,400公斤(9,700磅)
最大速度 高空: 1.8馬赫; 1,912公里/小時; 1,032節
低空: 1.1馬赫; 1,390公里/小時; 750節
巡航速度 0.95馬赫
爬升率 285米/秒
最大升限 15,235米(50,000呎)
最大航程 約3,400公里(2,000海浬)(配備三個5,700公升副油箱)
作戰半徑 約1,852公里(1,000海浬)
(執行穿透打擊任務,配備兩個2,300公升容量適型油箱,三個5,700公升副油箱,兩枚暴風影巡弋飛彈及兩枚MBDA MICA IR/RF雲母中/短程空對空飛彈)
翼負荷 328公斤/平方米(67.1磅/平方呎)
推重比 0.988(滿載內部油箱,帶兩枚中程空對空飛彈,兩枚短程空對空飛彈)
最大過載 +9.0G / -3.6G
機炮 1門30毫米 GIAT 30機炮,備彈125發
火箭 2具Matra JL-100火箭筴艙,每具最多可攜帶18枝68毫米火箭彈SNEB航空火箭彈
飛彈 短程空對空飛彈:
AIM-9響尾蛇短程空對空飛彈 或
MBDA MICA IR/RF雲母中/短程空對空飛彈
SBU-38/54/64 AASM-Hammer精確導引炸彈
炸彈 共載重9,500公斤(20,900磅)
空軍型 飆風B/C: 掛載點14個
海軍/艦載型 飆風M: 掛載點13個
BL 5系列通用炸彈
Mk 82低阻力通用炸彈
其他 Thales AREOS 偵察莢艙
Thomson-CSF RDY都卜勒雷達
Thales Damocles 目標瞄準莢艙
Thales TALIOS 多功能目標瞄準莢艙(預計F3R標準時裝備)

飆風戰鬥機(法語:Rafale,中文又譯做:疾風或音譯為拉斐爾)是法國達梭(Dassault)飛機公司開發和建造的雙發動機、三角翼、高靈活性的中型多用途戰機;[釋注 1]。在1970年代,法國空軍及海軍尋求新戰機作為後繼機種。為省減成本,法國嘗試加入歐洲戰機計劃,與其他國家共同研發,但因對戰機功能要求差別過大,最終法國決定獨資研發。最後由達梭航太研發出飆風的原型,其航電及氣動外形優化其在制空戰機的角色。

法國航空太空軍屬之Rafale B。攝於2009年。
From Architectural Digest: Craftsmen began building luggage for Louis Vuitton in 1859, outfitting explorers and fashion stars alike.
Covered pick-up trucks outfitted with benches, known as songthaews, offer an adventurous -- albeit cramped -- ride between most towns in Laos. Left, the Southern Bus Terminal in Pakse serves southern and eastern routes.
This is the story of China's largest property developer — and how it picked the wrong fight.
Google Founders Buy Fighter Jet
Google (NSDQ: GOOG) co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page and Google CEO Eric Schmidt must have new plans to attack the competition, or they just like to fly really, really fast. Whatever the reason, they recently bought a fighter jet.
Today, The New York Times is reporting that a company controlled by the top three Googlers recently bought a Dornier Alpha Fighter Jet. The company, H211 LLC, is controlled by Sergey Brin, Larry Page, and Eric Schmidt, and it is responsible for managing a fleet of private aircraft for the three men.
The company already manages a Boeing 757, a Boeing 767, and two Gulfstream V's. These four aircraft, plus the new fighter jet, all have landing rights at Moffett Field, which is a located near Google's main offices.
According to a Google spokesperson, the Alpha Jet is being outfitted with scientific instruments for NASA missions, including instruments that the other planes could not carry.
The Times says that Google CEO Eric Schmidt is "an avid pilot."
The Dornier Alpha Fighter Jet is made by Dornier in Germany and Dassault-Breguet of France.
an ice pick in the cranium
ice pick
- 1.a small pick used by climbers to traverse ice-covered slopes.
- 2.a sharp, straight, pointed implement with a handle, used to break ice into small pieces for chilling food and drinks.
not anything like
Also, nothing like; not anywhere near; nowhere near. Quite different from, far from; also, not nearly.
For example, The town's library isn't anything like the university's library, or His outfit was nothing like his brother's, or It isn't anything like as cold as it was last winter, or That movie isn't anywhere near as exciting as I thought it would be, or Her diamond is nowhere near as big as mine.
The phrases with like date from the late 1700s, and those with near from the mid-1400s.
pick a fight (with someone)
and pick a quarrel (with someone)
noun [C]
a set of clothes worn for a particular occasion or activity:
I've got a cowboy outfit for the fancy dress party.
verb [T often passive] outfitting, outfitted, outfitted
to provide someone or something with equipment or clothes:
The ambulances have all been outfitted with new radios.
plural noun OLD-FASHIONED
a shop that sells a particular type of clothes, especially men's clothes or uniforms:
a gentlemen's outfitters
or jet fighter
fighter aircraft
A jet-propelled fighter aircraft.