2023年6月25日 星期日

polish sth off. Here’s a Look at the Water Crises That Might Be Coming to You Soon

Here’s a Look at the Water Crises That Might Be Coming to You Soon

Bangladesh, a river delta nation, is on the front line of climate change. Its coping strategies could offer lessons for the wider world.

If a patient asks for her mother, for instance, instead of pointing out that her mother has been dead for 40 years, it is better to say something like, “I wish your mother were here, too,” and then maybe redirect the conversation to something else, like what’s for lunch.

If Dad wants to polish off the duck sauce in a Chinese restaurant like it’s a bowl of soup, why not?

Zen and the Art of Coping With Alzheimer's By DENISE GRADY

polish sth off phrasal verb [M] INFORMAL
to finish something quickly and easily, especially a lot of food or work:
He polished off the whole pie.
I polished off three essays in one week.

(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
